
Surface Decontamination of Fresh Produce


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This study was designed to assess the efficacy of dissolved ozone (O3)rnin its role in the decontamination of fresh produce in both one and twornstage wash processes. Lettuce (‘Fiorella') was inoculated with arncombination of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonellarncholeraesuis and Bacillus cereus. The inoculated lettuce was treated atrn1.5 ppm dissolved [O3]. The highest level of sensitivity was attributablernto L. monocytogenes during a two-stage wash process resulting in a 4-rnlog reduction in comparison with a 0.7 log reduction in the one-stagernwash process. Population reductions of B. cereus also improved withrnthe two-stage process with log reductions of 1.8. Log populationrnreductions of 1.1 were achieved for S. choleraesuis. E. coli proved thernmost resistant with reductions of only 0.2 log in the two-stage processrnachievable. Though reductions in bacterial numbers are achievable withrnthe use of a one-stage wash process, the efficacy of dissolved O3 is farrngreater when used in conjunction with an initial washing step to removernminimal amounts of bacteria and other organic debris.
机译:这项研究旨在评估溶解臭氧(O3)在第一阶段和第二阶段洗涤过程中对新鲜农产品进行去污中的作用。生菜(Fiorella)接种了大肠埃希菌,单核细胞增生性李斯特菌,沙门氏菌和蜡状芽孢杆菌的重组疫苗。接种的生菜在1.5 ppm溶解的[O3]下处理。在两阶段洗涤过程中,最高的敏感性归因于单核细胞增生李斯特菌,导致4-rnlog降低,而在一阶段洗涤过程中降低0.7log。蜡状芽孢杆菌的种群减少也通过两阶段过程得到改善,对数减少了1.8。霍乱链球菌的对数种群减少1.1。事实证明,在两步可实现的过程中,大肠杆菌具有最大的抵抗力,减少量仅为0.2 log。尽管使用一阶段洗涤方法可以减少细菌数量,但与初始洗涤步骤结合使用以去除少量细菌和其他有机碎片时,溶解的O3的功效会更大。



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