首页> 外文会议>International Congress on Conservation and Rehabilitation of Dams, Nov 11-13, 2002, Madrid, Spain >Silting-up of High Aswan Dam: Design, investigation and removal of deposits

Silting-up of High Aswan Dam: Design, investigation and removal of deposits


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The main two tributaries of the Nile, Atbara and the Blue Nile, when in flood carry along, solid matter which has been washed by the rains off the catchment area, and transported by the Nile water. Since 1964, the year of the Nile diversion, and due to the formation of the huge Artificial Lake upstream the dam, the majority of the transported sediments was trapped in the reservoir (Nasser Lake). Nasser Lake, southern Egypt, one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the world, extends over about 350 km in the Egyptian territory and about 150 km inside Sudan. Max. water depth in the dam site area is about 100 m. The total capacity of the lake (162 milliard m~3), is divided into 3 capacities, the dead capacity (31 milliard m~3), the live capacity (90 milliard m~3), and the flood control capacity (41 milliard m~3). Therefore the dead capacity that designed for sedimentation represents a ratio of 1/5 from the total lake capacity and a ratio of 1/3 from the total live storage capacity. The High Dam Lake is a good example as an artificial lake can receipt, average annually 135 million tons of sediments. The average annual rates of sedimentation in the Egyptian borders partly less than that in the Sudanese borders and represents about (15―20%) from the total ratio of the sediments in the lake per year. So, High and Aswan Dams Public Authority (HADA) sent many annual surveying missions starting from 1973 to the sedimentation area for researches and investigations related to that phenomena. Selected stations were fixed. The form of the collected data are on, velocity measurements, suspended sediment samples, hydro-graphical survey, freshly deposited sedimentation samples, and chemical analysis of water samples. It's noticed that the majority of sediment deposition occurs at the tail zone of the reservoir, and movement of sediment deposition will be along the lakebed in the downstream direction towards the Egyptian borders (North). So, HADA begins to establish the pre-feasibility studies about extraction of the sediments, transportation and utilization, with research institutes that belongs to the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in Egypt. Two extraction methods have been suggested and studied to use in the highly sedimentation sectors in the lake inside Egyptian borders. The first method by using mobile dredges. The second one by sacking the sediments using sack pumps.
机译:尼罗河的两个主要支流阿特巴拉和青尼罗河在洪水泛滥时,被雨水冲刷了流域外的固体物质,并由尼罗河水运送。自1964年以来,即尼罗河改道的那一年,由于大坝上游巨大的人工湖的形成,大部分运输的沉积物被困在水库(纳赛尔湖)中。埃及南部的纳赛尔湖是世界上最大的人造水库之一,在埃及境内延伸约350公里,在苏丹境内延伸约150公里。最高坝址区域的水深约为100 m。湖泊的总容量(162毫米m〜3)分为3个容量,死容量(31毫米m〜3),活容量(90毫米m〜3)和防洪能力(41毫安) m〜3)。因此,设计用于沉积的死容量代表了湖泊总容量的1/5,而占总活存容量的1/3。高坝湖就是一个很好的例子,人工湖可以接收,平均每年1.35亿吨沉积物。埃及边界的年平均沉积率比苏丹边界的年平均率低一些,约占每年湖中沉积物总比率的(15%至20%)。因此,High and Aswan Dams Public Authority(HADA)从1973年开始每年派遣许多勘测任务到沉积区进行与该现象有关的研究和调查。选定的电台是固定的。收集数据的形式包括速度测量,悬浮泥沙样品,水文调查,新沉积的泥沙样品以及水样的化学分析。值得注意的是,大部分沉积物沉积发生在水库的尾部区域,沉积物的沉积将沿着湖床向下游向埃及边界(北部)移动。因此,HADA开始与埃及水资源和灌溉部的研究机构建立有关沉积物提取,运输和利用的预可行性研究。已提出并研究了两种提取方法,可用于埃及边界内湖泊中高度沉积的区域。第一种方法是使用移动挖泥机。第二种方法是使用麻袋泵洗净沉积物。



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