
Edutainment and Serious Games - Games Move into Professional Applications


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The talk will provide an overview of the symbiosis of Computer Graphics, Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment technology as basis for Storytelling based Edutainment Applications and Serious Games for business and market oriented applications. Since human age, stories have been told and used as media to document history and transmit personal experiences. In the digital age, Computer Graphics is used to build interactive virtual worlds for training and simulation, game and storytelling technologies are used to motivate learners and provide playful, story-driven information and communication environments. This is now starting to be used more and more for professional application, that means "using games on and for the job"! Within the talk, underlying methods, concepts and technologies will be illustrated by current and recent projects of the INI-GraphicsNet in that domain: The "Virtuelles Autohaus" and "Virtual IGD Rostock" as examples for playful interactive virtual environments for training and simulation, "Virtual Human" and the "Servingo Story Generator" as examples for Storytelling based edutainment applications and "INSCAPE", "U-CREATE" addressing the authoring process for the creation of these edutainment scenarios and serious games for a given application domain.
机译:演讲将概述计算机图形学,交互式数字讲故事和娱乐技术的共生,这些共生将成为基于讲故事的教育娱乐应用程序和面向商业和市场应用程序的严肃游戏的基础。自人类时代以来,故事就被告知并用作记录历史和传播个人经历的媒体。在数字时代,计算机图形学用于构建交互式的虚拟世界,用于培训和模拟,游戏和叙事技术用于激励学习者并提供有趣的,故事驱动的信息和交流环境。现在,这已开始越来越多地用于专业应用程序,这意味着“在工作中使用游戏”!在本次演讲中,INI-GraphicsNet在该领域的当前和最新项目将说明潜在的方法,概念和技术:“ Virtuelles Autohaus”和“ Virtual IGD Rostock”将作为有趣的交互式虚拟环境进行训练和仿真的示例, “虚拟人类”和“ Servingo故事生成器”作为基于讲故事的娱乐应用程序的示例,“ INSCAPE”,“ U-CREATE”解决了针对给定应用程序域创建这些娱乐场景和严肃游戏的创作过程。



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