
On Developing a Risk Analysis Framework for Post-Industrial Age Technologies


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Risk assessment, to date, has been primarily a retrospective process. It was developed by the U.S. Space Program in the 1950's and 60's with the advent of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis in an attempt to both understand and correct missile and rocket launch failures. It came of age with the publication of the Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400) in 1975, but only after approximately 75 nuclear power plants already had been designed, built and operated in the U.S. From the remediation of Superfund sites and assessing space missions to improving safety at chemical and nuclear facilities, Risk Assessment has become an important tool for managing the health and safety of the public and the environment. We believe that the field of risk assessment now needs to be prospective, i.e. to consider the consequences of a new generation of technologies before they are fully developed and deployed. In a previous paper [1], we proposed a new, more contemporary view of risk as it relates to modern technology. This view includes an expanded basis for risk analysis that is closer to the science on which the newest technologies are predicated, primarily the two main characteristics of general nonlinear systems-holism and self-organization.
机译:迄今为止,风险评估主要是回顾性过程。它是由美国太空计划在1950年代和60年代开发的,伴随着故障模式和影响分析的出现,其目的是理解和纠正导弹和火箭的发射故障。 1975年,随着《反应堆安全性研究》(WASH-1400)的发布,它才逐渐成熟,但是只有在美国已经设计,建造和运营了大约75个核电站之后,才开始进行这项工作。为了提高化学和核设施的安全性,风险评估已成为管理公众和环境的健康与安全的重要工具。我们认为,风险评估领域现在需要是前瞻性的,即在充分开发和部署新一代技术之前要考虑它们的后果。在先前的论文[1]中,我们提出了一种新的,更现代的关于现代技术的风险观点。该观点包括一个扩展的风险分析基础,该基础更接近于预测最新技术的科学,主要是一般非线性系统的两个主要特征-整体性和自组织性。



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