
A More Secure and Efficacious TTS Signature Scheme


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In 2002 the authors introduced the new genre of digital signature scheme TTS (Tame Transformation Signatures) along with a sample scheme TTS/2. TTS is from the family of multivariate cryptographic schemes to which the NESSIE primitive SFLASH also belongs. It is a realization of T. Moh's theory for digital signatures, based on Tame Transformations or Tame Maps. Properties of multivariate cryptosys-tems are determined mainly by their central maps. TTS uses Tame Maps as their central portion for even greater speed than C~*-derived SFLASH family of schemes, which uses monomials in a large field for the central portion, previously usually acknowledged as fastest. We show a small flaw in TTS/2 and present an improved TTS implementation which we call TTS/4. We will examine in some detail how well TTS/4 performs, how it stands up to previously known attacks, and why it represents an advance over TTS/2. Based on this topical assessment, we consider TTS in general and TTS/4 in particular to be competitive or superior in several aspects to other schemes, partly because the theoretical roots of TTS induce many good traits. One specific area in which TTS/4 should excel is in low-cost smartcards. It seems that the genre has great potential for practical deployment and deserves further attention by the cryptological community.
机译:在2002年,作者介绍了新类型的数字签名方案TTS(Tame转换签名)以及示例方案TTS / 2。 TTS来自NESSIE原语SFLASH也属于的多元密码方案家族。它是T. Moh基于Tame Transformations或Tame Maps的数字签名理论的实现。多元密码系统的属性主要由其中央映射决定。 TTS使用Tame Maps作为其中心部分,其速度要比基于C〜*的SFLASH系列方案的速度更快,后者计划在大范围中使用单体式设备作为中心部分,以前通常被认为是最快的。我们在TTS / 2中显示了一个小缺陷,并提出了一种改进的TTS实现,我们称之为TTS / 4。我们将更详细地研究TTS / 4的性能如何,如何抵抗先前已知的攻击以及为什么它比TTS / 2先进。基于此主题评估,我们认为总体上TTS,尤其是TTS / 4在某些方面比其他方案更具竞争力或优越性,部分原因是TTS的理论根源具有许多优良特性。低成本智能卡是TTS / 4的优势之一。该类型似乎具有很大的实际部署潜力,值得密码学界进一步关注。



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