首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Information and Management Sciences; 20030824-30; Chengdu(CN) >A Characteristic Rules Mining Scheme Based On Weighted Incidence Matrices

A Characteristic Rules Mining Scheme Based On Weighted Incidence Matrices


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Many researchers have weighted the mining of information and knowledge from large electronic databases as a key research topic in database management and machine learning, and many hi-tech industrial companies have also valued it as an important future opportunity of major revenues. The goals of data mining methods are to achieve tasks such as data clustering, association, classification and so on. One specific task is classification rules discovery, which has drawn great attention in the data mining community during the past few years because it has been demonstrated that classification rules can contribute a lot to many real-life businesses and engineering cases. Quite a few algorithms have been proposed for finding classification rules so far, and yet most of them require multiple database scans, which increase both the I/O cost and the time consumed. To improve from the drawbacks of those methods, an efficient classification rules mining method, the weighted incidence matrix, is presented in this paper that will reduce both the number of database scans and the rules extracting time.
机译:许多研究人员已将大型电子数据库中的信息和知识的挖掘作为数据库管理和机器学习中的关键研究主题进行了加权,许多高科技工业公司也将其视为未来获得重大收入的重要机会。数据挖掘方法的目标是实现诸如数据聚类,关联,分类等任务。分类规则发现是一项特殊的任务,在过去的几年中,它已引起数据挖掘社区的极大关注,因为已证明分类规则可以为许多实际业务和工程案例做出很大贡献。迄今为止,已经提出了很多算法来查找分类规则,但是其中大多数算法都需要多次数据库扫描,这会增加I / O成本和消耗的时间。为了克服这些方法的缺点,本文提出了一种有效的分类规则挖掘方法,即加权关联矩阵,该方法将减少数据库扫描次数和规则提取时间。



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