首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Entertainment Computing(ICEC 2005); 20050919-21; Sanda(JP) >Live Feeling on Movement of an Autonomous Robot Using a Biological Signal

Live Feeling on Movement of an Autonomous Robot Using a Biological Signal


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Using Khepera Simulator software, we developed an autonomous robot with a simple neural network by applying the skin conductance response of an observer who was watching the movement of the agent. First, we found that the signals were generated when the observer felt that the robot faced a crucial phase, such as hitting a wall. Therefore, we used the signals as errors that were back-propagated to the network in the robot. By questionnaires completed by the observer, the movement of this robot was compared with the movement of two other kinds of robots. In these other two robots, random signals or switch signals, which were turned on at the robot's crucial phase, were used as errors instead of the skin conductance responses. From the results, we found that the movement of the robot with biological signals was most similar to the movement of something alive in the three kinds of robots. It is thought that applications of biological signals can promote natural interactions between humans and machines.
机译:通过使用Khepera Simulator软件,我们通过应用观察剂运动的观察者的皮肤电导响应,开发了具有简单神经网络的自主机器人。首先,我们发现,当观察者感觉到机器人面临关键阶段(例如撞到墙壁)时,就会产生信号。因此,我们将信号用作错误,这些错误会反向传播到机器人中的网络。通过观察者填写的调查表,将该机器人的动作与其他两种机器人的动作进行了比较。在另两个机器人中,在机器人关键阶段打开的随机信号或开关信号被用作错误,而不是皮肤电导响应。从结果中我们发现,具有生物信号的机器人的运动与三种机器人中活着的东西的运动最为相似。人们认为,生物信号的应用可以促进人与机器之间的自然相互作用。



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