
A Web Page Scoring Method for Local Web Search Engines


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Web-page scoring is a method to improve Web search-engines by assigning a score to each page according to its importance. The PageRank algorithm implemented for Google is a well known efficient scoring method for WWW search-engines, whereas it is not efficient for searching a local Web. For the latter case, text matching is usually used for computing scores and the hyperlink structure of Web-pages is wasted. Although a method for scoring local Web-pages called the HotLink method has been proposed, it is not well established because the scores depend on how to extract a tree structure, which is unknown, from the Web-graph. In this paper, we solve the problem of the HotLink method by considering all shortest-path trees and taking the average score. As a result, the scores are independent of the selection of a tree, which makes the scores robust. We also propose an efficient algorithm to compute this average score in O(|V| |E|) time where V and E is the set of pages and hyperlinks of a local Web-graph, respectively. Experimental results show that our new scoring method captures important pages in a local Web.
机译:网页评分是一种通过根据其重要性为每个页面分配分数来改善Web搜索引擎的方法。为Google实现的PageRank算法是WWW搜索引擎的一种众所周知的高效评分方法,而对于搜索本地Web而言效率不高。对于后一种情况,通常使用文本匹配来计算分数,并且浪费了网页的超链接结构。尽管已经提出了一种用于对本地网页进行评分的方法,称为“ HotLink方法”,但该方法尚未很好地建立,因为评分取决于如何从Web图形中提取未知的树结构。在本文中,我们通过考虑所有最短路径树并取平均分数来解决HotLink方法的问题。结果,分数与树的选择无关,这使得分数稳健。我们还提出了一种有效的算法来计算O(| V | | E |)时间的平均分数,其中V和E分别是一组本地Web图形的页面和超链接。实验结果表明,我们的新评分方法可以捕获本地Web中的重要页面。



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