
Object-Oriented Framework for Modelling of Pollutant Transport in River Network


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The object-oriented framework is developed using C++ language and generic programming for one-dimensional river transport modelling. The set of template classes is introduced for the better software reuse and additional ability for libraries to be extended with new sub-models. The presented model is developed using the new OOP framework coupled with modern third-party linear algebra methods libraries (MTL/ITL). The classes dealing with river topology, time series and other model elements are introduced. The new approach makes it possible to split the task of a complex river network simulation into a set of simple ID branch simulations. This minimizes the amount of code and makes program more understandable and easy to extend. The template programming preserves high computational performance of the system and this allows program to run as fast as its C/FORTRAN analogs.
机译:面向对象的框架是使用C ++语言和通用编程开发的,用于一维河流运输建模。引入了一组模板类,以实现更好的软件重用性,并具有使用新的子模型扩展库的附加功能。提出的模型是使用新的OOP框架与现代的第三方线性代数方法库(MTL / ITL)结合开发的。介绍了有关河流拓扑,时间序列和其他模型元素的类。这种新方法可以将复杂的河网模拟任务分解为一组简单的ID分支模拟。这样可以最大程度地减少代码量,并使程序更易于理解且易于扩展。模板编程保留了系统的高计算性能,这使程序可以与其C / FORTRAN类似物一样快地运行。



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