
The Implementation of IEEE1451 for e-Health


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We're approaching to the Ubiquitous age with development of the internet, recently.The standardization is going to progress in wireless communication. For example, IEEE 802.15.1, IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 1451. We will refer to IEEE 1451. Attributes of IEEE 1451 are PnP and flexibility and so on. And there is a standard for a e-Health, HL7(Health level seven). HL7 accredited Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) operating in the healthcare arena.Transducers, defined here as sensors or actuators, serve a wide variety of industry's needs, manufacturing, industrial control, and biomedicine are but a few. This paper we will explain HL7 and IEEE 1451,in briefly.The present time we will realize sensor networking for e-Health using EEEE 1451 standard. For example, in hospital, doctors use sensor. Because, for catch hold of patient's health. In brief, sensor is a STIM and server is a NCAP. So, we will get model for sensor-networking in hospital. We will explain NCAP and STM more So, this paper will introduce implementation of the IEEE1451.1 and IEEE1451.2. And introduce IEEE1451 and HL7. So we will say that relation between IEEE1451 and HL7.
机译:最近,随着互联网的发展,我们正处在无所不在的时代。无线通信的标准化正在不断发展。例如,IEEE 802.15.1,IEEE 802.15.4,IEEE1451。我们将参考IEEE1451。IEEE1451的属性是PnP和灵活性等。并且有一个电子卫生保健标准HL7(卫生七级)。在医疗领域运行的HL7认证标准开发组织(SDO)。传感器(此处定义为传感器或执行器)可满足多种行业需求,制造,工业控制和生物医学只是少数。本文将简要介绍HL7和IEEE1451。目前,我们将使用EEEE 1451标准实现用于e-Health的传感器网络。例如,在医院,医生使用传感器。因为,为了抓住病人的健康。简而言之,传感器是STIM,服务器是NCAP。因此,我们将获得医院传感器网络的模型。我们将进一步解释NCAP和STM。因此,本文将介绍IEEE1451.1和IEEE1451.2的实现。并介绍IEEE1451和HL7。因此,我们将说IEEE1451和HL7之间的关系。



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