首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling(ICAPS 2007); 2007; >Robust Local Search and Its Application to Generating Robust Schedules

Robust Local Search and Its Application to Generating Robust Schedules


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In this paper, we propose an extended local search framework to solve combinatorial optimization problems with data uncertainty. Our approach represents a major departure from scenario-based or stochastic programming approaches often used to tackle uncertainty. Given a value 0 < ε ≤ 1, we are interested to know what the robust objective value is, i.e. the optimal value if we allow an e chance of not meeting it, assuming that certain data values are defined on bounded random variables. We show how a standard local search or meta-heuristic routine can be extended to efficiently construct a decision rule with such guarantee, albeit heuristically. We demonstrate its practical applicability on the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with minimal and maximal time lags (RCPSP/max) taking into consideration activity duration uncertainty. Experiments show that, partial order schedules can be constructed that are robust in our sense without the need for a large planned horizon (due date), which improves upon the work proposed by Policella et al. 2004.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了扩展的局部搜索框架,以解决数据不确定性的组合优化问题。我们的方法与通常用于解决不确定性的基于场景或随机编程方法大相径庭。给定0≤ε≤1的值,我们有兴趣知道稳健的目标值是什么,即,如果我们允许在不满足要求的情况下提供最佳机会,则可以假设最佳值,前提是某些数据值是在有界随机变量上定义的。我们展示了如何扩展标准的本地搜索或元启发式例程,以有效地构建具有这种保证的决策规则,尽管是启发式的。考虑到活动持续时间的不确定性,我们以最小和最大的时间滞后(RCPSP / max)证明了其在资源受限项目计划问题上的实际适用性。实验表明,可以构建我们认为比较稳健的部分订单计划,而无需大的计划范围(到期日),这对Policella等人的工作进行了改进。 2004年。



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