
Autonomous Distributed System and Its Realization by Multi Agent Nets


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Autonomous Distributed Systems (ADS) concept plays a central role for designing, operating, and maintaining complex systems in these ubiquitously networked society. Design objectives such as optimality, reliability, and efficiency are renovated according to this system paradigm. Petri nets and its related models provide one of the most concrete basis for realizing ADS to cope with their nondeterministic, concurrent, and asynchronous behavioral features. On the other hand, autonomous decisions by distributed units based on their own interests should be coordinated with total system objectives. Multi Agent Nets are Object-Oriented Colored Petri Nets for implementing autonomous intelligent units and collaborating actions among distributed units. Here in this paper, the realization of ADS by Multi Agent Nets are described through several industrial applications and prototyping that shows paramount versatility of the approach to hardware-software distributed systems encountered in wide variety of engineering problems.
机译:自主分布式系统(ADS)的概念在这些无所不在的网络社会中设计,操作和维护复杂系统起着核心作用。根据此系统范式,优化了设计目标,例如优化性,可靠性和效率。 Petri网及其相关模型为实现ADS来解决其不确定性,并发性和异步行为特征提供了最具体的基础之一。另一方面,分布式单位基于其自身利益的自主决策应与整个系统目标相协调。 Multi Agent Nets是面向对象的有色Petri网,用于实现自治智能单元并在分布式单元之间进行协作。本文在本文中,通过几种工业应用和原型描述了Multi Agent Nets实现ADS的方法,这些原型和原型显示了在各种工程问题中遇到的软硬件分布式系统方法的最重要的多功能性。



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