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Innovative Technologies in Vitreo-Retinal Surgery for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment


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Vitreo-retinal surgery techniques have signifi cantly improved over time and increased the success rates in the surgery of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment (RRD). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of the pri mary vitrectomy for RRD. We have conducted a retrospective study on all the RRD cases that we have operated on by pars plana vitrectomy between October 2009 - October 2010 (70 cases). The description of the surgical techniques concerns the vitrectomy itself and the associated maneuvers: drainage of the subretinal fluid, retinopexy (endolaser/exocryo), internal tam ponade. The peroperative complications are presented and the results are evaluated 3 months after surgery as: success, simple recurrence, Proliferative Vitreo-Retinopathy (PVR), Cystoid Macular Edema (CME). All the posterior vitrectomies have been performed with the Accurus machine (Alcon). We used the 20 gauge system and a high speed vitrectomy probe (2500 cuts/minute). The vitrectomy has been as complete as possible in all situations, up to the vitreous base. The subretinal fluid has been drained by PerFluoroCarbon Liquids (PFCL) injec tion in 65 cases (92.85%) or by fluid/air exchange in the re maining 5 cases (7.14%). The retinopexy has been performed with a cryoprobe in 46 cases (65.71 %) and with the endolaser fiber in 24 cases (34.28%). The endolaser cerclage has been associated in 26 cases (37.14%) and we used the silicone oil for the internal tamponade in all the situations. We have acciden tally injured the retina in 5 cases (7.14%) and touched the lens in 4 cases (5.71%). Success has been achieved in 58 cases (82.85%), simple recurrence has been identified in 8 cases (11.42%), PVR in 3 cases (4.28%), CME in one case (1.42%). The technical advances are emphasized (high-speed cutting rate, 3D system), with implications in the surgery of RRD. The modern vitrectomy techniques have proven their efficacy in the treatment of RRD.
机译:随着时间的流逝,玻璃体视网膜手术技术已得到显着改善,并增加了类风湿性视网膜脱离(RRD)手术的成功率。这项研究的目的是评估RRD的主要玻璃体切除术的结果。我们对我们在2009年10月至2010年10月之间进行的全平面玻璃体切除术所治疗的所有RRD病例(70例)进行了回顾性研究。手术技术的描述涉及玻璃体切除术本身及其相关的操作:视网膜下积液引流,视网膜切开术(endolaser / exocryo),内部tam ponade。提出了围手术期并发症,并在手术后3个月对结果进行了评估:成功,单纯复发,增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR),类固醇黄斑水肿(CME)。所有后玻璃体切除术均已使用Accurus机器(Alcon)进行。我们使用了20轨距系统和高速玻璃体切除探针(2500切割/分钟)。在所有情况下,直到玻璃体基底,玻璃体切除术都已尽可能完整。视网膜下液通过PerFluoroCarbon Liquids(PFCL)注射引流65例(92.85%),其余5例通过流体/空气交换引流。视网膜镜检查使用冷冻探头治疗46例(占65.71%),激光内窥镜纤维治疗24例(占34.28%)。激光内环扎术已伴有26例(37.14%),在所有情况下我们都使用硅油作为内部填塞物。我们已经对5例(7.14%)的视网膜损伤和4例(5.71%)的晶状体触摸进行了统计。成功58例(82.85%),简单复发8例(11.42%),PVR 3例(4.28%),CME 1例(1.42%)。强调了技术进步(高速切削率,3D系统),对RRD的手术具有影响。现代玻璃体切除术技术已证明其在RRD的治疗中的功效。



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