
America's Current Noise Policy – Success or Failure?




The Congress declared in 1972 that it is '…the policy of the United States to promote an environment for allAmericans free from noise that jeopardizes their health or welfare.' Today, more than three decades later, we stilldo not have such an environment. Responsibility for America's current noise policy is scattered among more than adozen agencies of the Federal government, as well as State and local authorities. The broad constituenciesconcerned with noise in America include: manufacturers, legislatures, governmental agencies, local authorities, nongovernmentalorganizations, and the general public. Each may be divided into sub-constituencies. The objectivesand motivations of a particular constituency strongly influence how noise policy is viewed. Some would argue thatcurrent policy is a striking example of public policy failure; others that a refunding of the stalled Federal program ofthe 1980s would turn failure into success, and still others are indifferent. The apparent motives of the constituenciesare examined in an effort to evaluate their positions on the success or failure of current noise policy. The purpose ofthis evaluation is to identify those individuals and groups that can be expected to play major roles in thedevelopment of a new, more effective, noise policy for America.



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