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Description of Secondary Sound Field Around a SphericalObstacle




Scattering and diffraction are phenomena still frequently discussed in acoustics. In his book ”Theory of Sound” published in 1877 Lord Rayleigh provided the analyticaldescription of a secondary sound field for a spherical obstacle and the approximate descriptionfor a cylindrical shaped obstacle. Yet since his time, no analytical solution for an obstacle ofany other shape has been published. For these obstacles, only the numerical description of thesecondary sound field based on experimental results is possible. We are preparing a methodfor creating mathematical models of a secondary sound field for different shaped bodies. Forpreparation of this method, a spherical body was chosen because the comparison between experimentaland analytical results is feasible. A concave spherical body made of glass was used for our experiments. Measurements were performed in an anechoic room, which is the model of a free field. The obtained numerical description of secondary sound field was compared to description calculated on the basis of analytical formula. A mathematical model of the secondary sound field measured is being prepared, and measurements with differently shaped bodies and their mathematical models with respect to our experiences obtained up to now will be prepared.
机译:散射和衍射是声学中仍经常讨论的现象。在1877年出版的《声音理论》一书中,瑞利勋爵(Lord Rayleigh)对球形障碍物的次级声场进行了解析描述,并对圆柱形障碍物进行了近似描述。然而,自从他的时代以来,还没有针对任何其他形状的障碍物的解析解决方案发表。对于这些障碍,仅基于实验结果的第二声场的数值描述是可能的。我们正在准备一种方法,用于为不同形状的物体创建辅助声场的数学模型。为了制备该方法,选择了球形体,因为将实验结果与分析结果进行比较是可行的。由玻璃制成的凹球形体用于我们的实验。测量是在消声室中进行的,消声室是自由场的模型。将获得的次级声场的数值描述与基于解析公式计算的描述进行比较。正在准备测量的次级声场的数学模型,并且将准备使用形状不同的物体进行的测量以及根据迄今为止获得的经验进行的数学模型计算。



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