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Country Selection on Web Forms: A Comparison of Dropdown Menus, Radio Buttons and Text Field with Autocomplete




Many forms on the web include obligatory country fields. Usually country form-fields are implemented using a long drop-down menu. This preliminary study set out to investigate whether the typical country drop-down menu is as efficient as common practices indicate. A controlled within-groups experiment with N = 17 participants was conducted comparing radio buttons, drop down lists and a text field with autocomplete. The results show that the mean time to select country by inputting the prefix of the country in a text field with autocomplete was the fastest although not significantly faster than the drop-down menu. However, both were significantly faster to use than radio buttons. The results support the choice of mechanisms used on some websites where country selection is implemented with a multi-mode input control that can be used either as a drop-down menu or by inputting the country prefix according to the users’ preferences.
机译:网络上的许多表格都包含必填国家/地区字段。通常,国家/地区表单字段使用长下拉菜单来实现。这项初步研究旨在调查典型的国家/地区下拉菜单是否像常规做法所示的那样有效。进行了N = 17名参与者的分组内对照实验,比较了单选按钮,下拉列表和具有自动完成功能的文本字段。结果显示,通过在具有自动完成功能的文本字段中输入国家/地区的前缀来选择国家/地区的平均时间是最快的,尽管没有比下拉菜单快得多。但是,两者都比单选按钮快得多。结果支持选择某些网站上使用的机制,这些国家使用多模式输入控件来实现国家/地区选择,该控件可以用作下拉菜单,也可以根据用户的喜好输入国家/地区前缀。



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