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Massive 2-opt and 3-opt Moves with High Performance GPU Local Search to Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problem




2-opt, 3-opt or k-opt heuristics are classical local search algorithms for traveling salesman problems (TSP) in combinatorial optimization area. This paper introduces a judicious decision making methodology of offloading which part of the k-opt heuristic works in parallel on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) while which part remains sequential, called 'multiple k-opt evaluation, multiple k-opt moves', in order to simultaneously execute, without interference, massive 2-/3-opt moves that are globally found on the same TSP tour or the same Euclidean space for many edges, as well as keep high performance for GPU massive k-opt evaluation. We prove the methodology is judicious and valuable because of our originally proposed sequential non-interacted 2-/3-exchange set partition algorithm taking linear time complexity and a new TSP tour representation, array of ordered coordinates-index, in order unveil how to use GPU on-chip shared memory to achieve the same goal as using doubly linked list and array of ordered coordinates for parallel A;-opt implementation. We test this methodology on 22 national TSP instances with up to 71009 cities and with brute initial tour solution. Average maximum 997 non-interacted 2-opt moves are found and executed on the same tour of ch71009.tsp instance in one iteration of our proposed method. Experimental comparisons show that our proposed methodology gets huge acceleration over both classical sequential and a possible current fastest state-of-the-art GPU parallel 2-opt implementation.
机译:2-opt,3-opt或k-opt启发式算法是经典的局部搜索算法,用于组合优化区域中的旅行推销员问题(TSP)。本文介绍了一种明智的卸载决策方法,该方法将k-opt启发式算法的一部分并行处理在图形处理单元(GPU)上,而将其余部分保持顺序进行,称为“多个k-opt评估,多个k-opt动作”。为了在没有干扰的情况下同时执行大规模的2- / 3-opt移动,这些移动在许多边缘上在同一TSP巡回或相同的欧几里得空间中全局发现,并为GPU大规模k-opt评估保持高性能。我们证明了该方法是明智且有价值的,因为我们最初提出的顺序线性非交互2- / 3-交换集划分算法采用了线性时间复杂度,并且采用了新的TSP巡回表示形式,即有序坐标-索引数组,以揭示如何使用GPU片上共享内存可实现与使用双链表和有序坐标数组进行并行A; -opt实现相同的目标。我们在多达71009个城市和残酷的初始旅行解决方案的22个国家TSP实例上测试了该方法。在我们提出的方法的一次迭代中,在ch71009.tsp实例的同一巡回中发现并执行了平均最多997次非交互的2-opt移动,并执行了该操作。实验比较表明,我们提出的方法在经典顺序和可能是当前最快的最新GPU并行2-opt实现上均获得了巨大的加速。



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