
A Template-Based Policy Generation Interface for RESTful Web Services

机译:RESTful Web服务的基于模板的策略生成接口



Cloud computing solutions imply chances for economic advantages concerning investment, administration and maintenance costs. On the downside these advantages are paid with a loss of autonomy; the service providers often predetermine configuration and authorization functionalities. The increase of participating actors represents recent privacy, security and legal issues for service providers and users. The different interests of all involved stakeholders raise a need for distributed access control functionalities, which consider the various restrictions of the stakeholders. The presented work designs and realizes a web interface, service users can use to express fine-grained access control policies concerning their resources. The increase of RESTful online services is addressed by a template approach that serves as a basis for the policy interface. A particular focus is set on the extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML), a standard for distributed access control. Following the XACML standard the web interface is realized within the XACML component model. Users' requirements are retrieved via the web interface and translated into a complete XACML policy. The generated policies are tested for syntactic and semantic correctness as well as usability.
机译:云计算解决方案意味着在投资,管理和维护成本方面具有经济优势的机会。不利的一面是,这些优势会丧失自主权。服务提供商通常会预先确定配置和授权功能。参与者的增加代表了服务提供商和用户最近的隐私,安全和法律问题。所有利益相关者的不同利益提出了对分布式访问控制功能的需求,这些功能考虑了利益相关者的各种限制。提出的工作设计并实现了一个Web界面,服务用户可以用来表达有关其资源的细粒度访问控制策略。 RESTful在线服务的增加通过模板方法来解决,该模板方法用作策略接口的基础。重点放在可扩展访问控制标记语言(XACML)上,该语言是分布式访问控制的标准。遵循XACML标准,Web界面在XACML组件模型中实现。通过Web界面检索用户需求,并将其转换为完整的XACML策略。对生成的策略进行语法和语义正确性以及可用性的测试。


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