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Methods to synchronize the IN SCP's overload protection mechanism

机译:同步IN SCP的过载保护机制的方法

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The Intelligent Network's (IN) architecture is based on Service Switching Points (SSP's) that switch telecphone calls,and the Service Control Points (SCP's) tha tmake part of the decisions about the routing ad the chrging of calls tht are switched by the SSP's.To communicate,SSP and SCP use the IN Applciation Part (INAP) protocol.IN has a distributed mechanism for protecting the SCP from oveload that uses a traffic filtering method called "call gapping".The synchronization of the load protection in IN is a problem because there is no reliable synchronization scheme in the INAP protocol.In the text I examine several solutions to the problem.Though formulated in terms of IN,the synchronization mehtods apply to any similar netowrk.i.e. a network with a star toplogy,traffic throttles in the poerrpheral nodes,and a bottleneck in the central node.



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