
Zephyr: A Static Timing Analyzer Integrated in a Trans-hierarchical Refinement Design Flow


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The evolution of silicon technologies has fundamentally changed the physical design EDA flow, which now has to go through a progressive refinement process where interconnections evolve seamlessly from logic to final detailed routing. Furthermore the level of integration reached makes mandatory the use of hierarchical enabled design methodologies. In this paper, we present Zephyr: an Elmore Delay Static Timing Analysis engine tightly integrated in the open academic Coriolis EDA physical design platform on which tools act as algorithmic engines operating on an integrated C++ database around which they consistently interact and collaborate. Coriolis provides high level C++ and Python APIs and a unified and consistent hierarchical VLSI data model through all the design steps from logic down to final layout. We discuss here more specifically the integration issues and concepts used to support timing analysis through the progressive refinement of hierarchical designs.
机译:硅技术的发展从根本上改变了物理设计EDA流程,该流程现在必须经过逐步完善的过程,在此过程中,互连从逻辑无缝过渡到最终的详细布线。此外,达到的集成水平使必须使用支持分层的设计方法。在本文中,我们介绍了Zephyr:一种Elmore延迟静态时序分析引擎,该引擎紧密集成在开放式学术Coriolis EDA物理设计平台中,在该平台上,工具充当算法引擎,在集成的C ++数据库上运行,在该数据库上,它们始终进行交互和协作。 Coriolis通过从逻辑到最终布局的所有设计步骤,提供了高级C ++和Python API以及统一且一致的分层VLSI数据模型。我们在这里更具体地讨论用于通过逐步改进层次设计来支持时序分析的集成问题和概念。



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