首页> 外文会议>Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII pt.2 >Uncooled infrared imaging using bimatcrial microcantilever arrays

Uncooled infrared imaging using bimatcrial microcantilever arrays


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We report on the fabrication and characterization of microcantilever based uncooled focal plane array (FPA) for infrared imaging. By combining a streamlined design of microcantilever thermal transducers with a highly efficient optical readout, we minimized the fabrication complexity while achieving a competitive level of imaging performance. The microcantilever FPAs were fabricated using a straightforward fabrication process that involved only three photolithographic steps (i.e. three masks). A designed and constructed prototype of an IR imager employed a simple optical readout based on a noncoherent low-power light source. The main figures of merit of the IR imager were found to be comparable to those of uncooled MEMS infrared detectors with substantially higher degree of fabrication complexity. In particular, the NETD and the response time of the implemented MEMS IR detector were measured to be as low as 0.5K and 6 ms, respectively. The potential of the implemented designs can also be concluded from the fact that the constructed prototype enabled IR imaging of close to room temperature objects without the use of any advanced data processing. The most unique and practically valuable feature of the implemented FPAs, however, is their scalability to high resolution formats, such as 2000x2000, without progressively growing device complexity and cost.
机译:我们报告了基于微悬臂的非冷却焦平面阵列(FPA)的红外成像的制造和表征。通过将微悬臂梁换能器的流线型设计与高效的光学读数相结合,我们将制造复杂性降至最低,同时实现了具有竞争力的成像性能。使用仅涉及三个光刻步骤(即三个掩模)的简单制造过程来制造微悬臂式FPA。红外成像仪的设计和构建原型采用了基于非相干低功率光源的简单光学读数。发现红外成像器的主要性能指标可与未冷却的MEMS红外检测器相媲美,并具有更高的制造复杂度。特别是,已实现的MEMS IR检测器的NETD和响应时间分别测得低至0.5K和6 ms。所实施设计的潜力还可以从以下事实得出结论:所构造的原型无需使用任何高级数据处理就可以对接近室温的物体进行IR成像。但是,已实现的FPA的最独特且实用的功能是它们可扩展至高分辨率格式(例如2000x2000),而不会逐渐增加设备的复杂性和成本。



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