首页> 外文会议>Infrared systems and photoelectronic technology III >Correlation between band structure and magneto-transport properties in far-infrared detector superlattice

Correlation between band structure and magneto-transport properties in far-infrared detector superlattice


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We report here carrier's magneto-transport properties and the band structure results for Ⅱ-Ⅳ semiconductors. HgTe is a zero gap semiconductor when it is sandwiched between CdTe layers to yield to a small gap HgTe/CdTe superlattice which is the key of an infrared detector. Our sample, grown by MBE, had a period d (100 layers) of 18 nm (HgTe) / 4.4 nm (CdTe). Calculations of the spectra of energy E(k_z) and E(k_p), respectively, in the direction of growth and in the plane of the superlattice were performed in the envelope function formalism. The angular dependence of the transverse magnetoresistance follows the two-dimensional (2D) behavior with Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. At low temperature, the sample exhibits p type conductivity with a hole mobility of 900 cm~2/V.s. A reversal the sign of the weak-field Hall coefficient occurs at 25 K with an electron mobility of 3.10~4 cm~2/Vs. In intrinsic regim, the measured E_g ≈ 38 meV agrees with calculated E_g(Γ,300 K) = 34 meV which coincide with the Fermi level energy. The formalism used here predicts that this narrow gap sample is semi metallic, quasi-two-dimensional and far-infrared detector.
机译:我们在此报告Ⅱ-Ⅳ半导体的载流子的磁输运性质和能带结构结果。当HgTe夹在CdTe层之间以产生小间隙的HgTe / CdTe超晶格时,它是零间隙半导体,这是红外探测器的关键。通过MBE生长的我们的样品的周期d(100层)为18 nm(HgTe)/ 4.4 nm(CdTe)。在包络函数形式中分别计算了能量E(k_z)和E(k_p)在生长方向和超晶格平面内的光谱。横向磁阻的角度依赖性遵循Shubnikov-de Haas振荡的二维(2D)行为。在低温下,样品表现出p型电导率,空穴迁移率为900 cm〜2 / V.s。弱场霍尔系数的符号在25 K时发生,电子迁移率为3.10〜4 cm〜2 / Vs。在固有形式中,测得的E_g≈38 meV与计算的E_g(Γ,300 K)= 34 meV一致,这与费米能级一致。此处使用的形式主义预测该窄间隙样品是半金属,准二维和远红外检测器。



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