首页> 外文会议>Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation >Performance characteristics of doped-Ge photoconductors for the Infrared Space Observatory Long Wavelength Spectrometer

Performance characteristics of doped-Ge photoconductors for the Infrared Space Observatory Long Wavelength Spectrometer


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Abstract: The Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS), part of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), uses an array of ten doped-germanium photoconductors to cover the wavelength range 45 - 200 $mu@m. The array comprises a Ge:Be detector for the 45 - 50 $mu@m range, five unstressed Ge:Ga detectors for wavelengths between 50 - 110 $mu@m and four stressed Ge:Ga for the long wavelength range 110 - 200 $mu@m. We have calibrated the performance of the detectors, both individually and in the LWS. Optimum values of detector bias and operating temperature that maximize the sensitivity of the LWS have been established, resulting in detector NEPs of 10$+$MIN@17$/ WHz$+$MIN@1/2$/ for Ge:Be, 5 $MUL 10$+$MIN@18$/ WHz$+$MIN@1/2$/ for unstressed Ge:Ga and 5 $MUL 10$+$MIN@19$/ WHz$+$MIN@1/2$/ for stressed Ge:Ga. Under the low flux conditions expected in the LWS ($LS 10$+$MIN@14$/ W at the detector), doped-Ge photoconductors exhibit a number of other non-linearities and memory effects. Additionally, the performance of the detectors will be strongly influenced by ionizing radiation encountered during orbital perigee. The characteristics of these effects are described and the implications for operation and calibration of the LWS considered.!21
机译:摘要:长波光谱仪(LWS)是红外空间天文台(ISO)的一部分,它使用由十个掺杂锗光电导体组成的阵列来覆盖45至200 $ mu @ m的波长范围。该阵列包括一个适用于45-50 $ mu @ m范围的Ge:Be检测器,五个用于50-110 $ mu @ m波长的无应力Ge:Ga检测器和四个适用于长波长范围110-200 $的应力Ge:Ga检测器亩@米我们已经分别和在LWS中校准了探测器的性能。已经建立了使LWS的灵敏度最大化的检测器偏置和工作温度的最佳值,从而使Ge:Be,5的检测器NEP为10 $ + $ MIN @ 17 $ / WHz $ + $ MIN @ 1/2 $ / $ MUL 10 $ + $ MIN @ 18 $ / WHz $ + $ MIN @ 1/2 $ /用于无应力Ge:Ga和5 $ MUL 10 $ + $ MIN @ 19 $ / WHz $ + $ MIN @ 1/2 $ /用于受压的Ge:Ga。在LWS预期的低通量条件下(检测器处为$ LS 10 $ + $ MIN @ 14 $ / W),掺杂Ge光电导体表现出许多其他非线性和存储效应。另外,探测器的性能将受到轨道近地点遇到的电离辐射的强烈影响。描述了这些效应的特征,并考虑了对轻武器的操作和校准的含义!21


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