首页> 外文会议>Imaging, manipulation, and analysis of biomolecules, cells, and tissues VIII >The use of time-resolved fluorescence in gel-based proteomics for improved biomarker discovery

The use of time-resolved fluorescence in gel-based proteomics for improved biomarker discovery


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This paper describes a new platform for quantitative intact proteomics, entitled Cumulative Time-resolved Emission 2-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (CuTEDGE). The CuTEDGE technology utilizes differences in fluorescent lifetimes to subtract the confounding background fluorescence during in-gel detection and quantification of proteins, resulting in a drastic improvement in both sensitivity and dynamic range compared to existing technology. The platform is primarily designed for image acquisition in 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), but is also applicable to 1-dimensional gel electrophoresis (1-DE), and proteins electroblotted to membranes. In a set of proof-of-principle measurements, we have evaluated the performance of the novel technology using the MicroTime 100 instrument (PicoQuant GmbH) in conjunction with the CyDye minimal labeling fluorochromes (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) to perform differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) analyses. The results indicate that the CuTEDGE technology provides an improvement in the dynamic range and sensitivity of detection of 3 orders of magnitude as compared to current state-of-the-art image acquisition instrumentation available for 2-DE (Typhoon 9410, GE Healthcare). Given the potential dynamic range of 7-8 orders of magnitude and sensitivities in the attomol range, the described invention represents a technological leap in detection of low abundance cellular proteins, which is desperately needed in the field of biomarker discovery.
机译:本文介绍了一个完整的定量蛋白质组学新平台,称为累积时间分辨发射二维凝胶电泳(CuTEDGE)。 CuTEDGE技术利用荧光寿命的差异来消除凝胶内检测和蛋白质定量过程中混杂的背景荧光,与现有技术相比,灵敏度和动态范围都得到了极大的提高。该平台主要用于二维凝胶电泳(2-DE)中的图像采集,但也适用于一维凝胶电泳(1-DE)和蛋白质电印迹到膜上的平台。在一组原理验证的测量中,我们使用MicroTime 100仪器(PicoQuant GmbH)与CyDye最小标记荧光染料(GE Healthcare,Uppsala,瑞典)一起评估了这项新技术的性能,以进行差分凝胶电泳(DIGE)分析。结果表明,与当前可用于2-DE的最先进图像采集仪器(Typhoon 9410,GE Healthcare)相比,CuTEDGE技术在动态范围和检测灵敏度方面提高了3个数量级。给定潜在的7-8个数量级的动态范围和attomol范围内的灵敏度,所描述的发明代表了检测低丰度细胞蛋白的技术飞跃,这在生物标记物发现领域急需。



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