首页> 外文会议>IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition >Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation




Recent works showed that Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can be successfully applied in unsupervised domain adaptation, where, given a labeled source dataset and an unlabeled target dataset, the goal is to train powerful classifiers for the target samples. In particular, it was shown that a GAN objective function can be used to learn target features indistinguishable from the source ones. In this work, we extend this framework by (i) forcing the learned feature extractor to be domain-invariant, and (ii) training it through data augmentation in the feature space, namely performing feature augmentation. While data augmentation in the image space is a well established technique in deep learning, feature augmentation has not yet received the same level of attention. We accomplish it by means of a feature generator trained by playing the GAN minimax game against source features. Results show that both enforcing domain-invariance and performing feature augmentation lead to superior or comparable performance to state-of-the-art results in several unsupervised domain adaptation benchmarks.
机译:最近的工作表明,生成对抗网络(GAN)可以成功地应用于无监督域适应中,其中,在给定标记源数据集和未标记目标数据集的情况下,目标是训练目标样本的强大分类器。特别地,已经表明,GAN目标函数可以用于学习与源特征没有区别的目标特征。在这项工作中,我们通过(i)强制学习的特征提取器是领域不变的,以及(ii)通过特征空间中的数据增强对其进行训练,即执行特征增强,来扩展此框架。尽管图像空间中的数据增强是深度学习中的一项成熟技术,但特征增强尚未引起同等关注。我们通过借助针对源要素玩GAN minimax游戏进行训练的要素生成器来实现此目标。结果表明,强制执行域不变性和执行特征增强都可以在几种无人监督的域自适应基准中获得比最新技术更好的性能。



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