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Machine Learning and the Problem of the Hermeneutic Gap




Rapid development of information technologies has been distinguished in recent years. Neural network technologies, which are using artificial intelligence algorithms, are becoming widespread. In accordance with the nearest futurological predictions, the state of technological singularity is approaching - the unity of man and technologies. In the framework of the approach towards technological singularity, a person tries to understand technologies and to consider them as something human-like, correlated with physicality, participation in everyday practices, and solving a wide variety of tasks. According to experts, artificial intelligence may be developed to such level that it will be harder for the human mind to 'understand' it in the nearest future. Even now, a computer is capable to solve very complicated intellectual problems, many of which previously were considered the sphere of action of the human mind. The problem of a possible 'hermeneutic gap' between the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the human mind appears - whether a person will be able to use the results of the work of artificial intelligence and understand them. Here we can fix 'understanding' in the hermeneutic sense, as one of the fundamental properties of human existence, which makes it possible to build the vital world of a person full of meanings. Whether a person will be able to understand artificial intelligence and vice versa - whether artificial intelligence can 'understand' a person, become an organic part of the living space and diverse human practices is an urgent issue that requires rethinking within the framework of philosophy. A philosophical analysis of this problem should include a deep understanding of the connection between the life world and the body, practices, mental mechanisms (including unconscious aspects) of a person in the universe of the technological future.



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