首页> 外文会议>Hydrocomplexity: New tools for solving wicked water problems >Practical approaches to water management under climate change uncertainty

Practical approaches to water management under climate change uncertainty


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Water resources management is in a difficult transition phase, trying to accommodate the large uncertainties associated with climate change, while struggling with implementing a difficult set of principles and institutional changes associated with integrated water resources management (IWRM) and adaptive management (AM). Water management is the principal medium through which many of the projected impacts of global warming will be felt and ameliorated. Many standard hydrological practices, based on assumptions of a stationary climate and variability, can be extended to accommodate numerous aspects of climate uncertainty. Adaptations of various strategies developed by the water management profession to cope with contemporary uncertainties and climate variability can also be effectively employed during this transition period, as a new family of hydrological tools and better climate change models are developed. "Robust decision-making" is among the new approaches being advocated for planning and designing water resources infrastructure under climate uncertainty.
机译:水资源管理处于困难的过渡阶段,试图适应与气候变化相关的巨大不确定性,同时努力实施与综合水资源管理(IWRM)和适应性管理(AM)相关的一系列困难的原则和机构变更。水管理是主要的媒介,通过它可以感受到和改善许多预计的全球变暖影响。基于固定的气候和多变性的假设,许多标准的水文实践可以扩展以适应气候不确定性的许多方面。随着新的水文工具系列和更好的气候变化模型的开发,在此过渡时期,也可以有效地采用水管理专业为应对当前的不确定性和气候变化而制定的各种策略。 “严厉的决策”是在气候不确定性下规划和设计水资源基础设施所倡导的新方法之一。



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