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'Major Issues in Virtualizing a SERIALPORT'


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Welcome to the World of device drivers. Actually the device driver deliberatelyrngeneric. So, how do drivers work? Each hardware device communicates with your PC using arnunique language that only its driver knows. When you print a document, for example, yourrncomputer issues a set of generic commands to the printer driver, and the driver translatesrnthose commands into the specialized instructions your printer understands. In order to viewrnthe drivers loaded on your computer in Windows 95/98, right-click the My Computer icon onrnthe desktop and select Properties. Click the Device Manager tab. This paper tries to give somernvital points in the serial driver for legacy COM ports. This is a general introduction to thernresources and development environment needed to write drivers. Of course the development itrnhas a close relation with the Microsoft offers the Driver development kit (DDK) all itsrnoperating system which incorporates the Windows Driver Model (WDM).rnFrankly speaking, for a new developer should have an idea of the driver developmentrnarchitecture of the Intel x86 family of microprocessor in order to understand thernfollowing general concepts.rn1. Protected and virtual 8086 mode operationrn2. Flat memory modelrn3. Interrupt and privilege processing Segment and page memory management and faultrnhandlingrnThe Microsoft WDM has facilitated with many way for the driver developmentrnfor its entire platform. But third party S/W Vendor's offering DDK for every need.rnThis makes the driver development more comfortable.rnHere "Driver works" designed to provide a simple entry into Windows NTrndevice driver programming than the Microsoft DDK offers. The Driver driver'srnlibraries reduce driver code size considerably without any performance penalty. Ofrncourse, the entire C-level API of the DDK is available.
机译:欢迎来到设备驱动程序的世界。实际上,设备驱动程序是有意地通用的。那么,驾驶员如何工作?每个硬件设备使用只有其驱动程序才能知道的语言来与您的PC通信。例如,当您打印文档时,计算机将向打印机驱动程序发出一组通用命令,而驱动程序会将这些命令转换为打印机可以理解的专门指令。为了查看Windows 95/98中计算机上加载的驱动程序,请右键单击桌面上的“我的电脑”图标,然后选择“属性”。单击设备管理器选项卡。本文试图为传统COM端口的串行驱动程序提供一些要点。这是编写驱动程序所需的资源和开发环境的一般介绍。当然,开发与Microsoft有着密切的关系。驱动程序开发套件(DDK)的所有操作系统均集成了Windows Driver Model(WDM)。坦白地说,对于新开发人员而言,应该对英特尔的驱动程序开发有一个构想。 x86系列微处理器,以便理解以下一般概念。受保护的虚拟8086模式操作rn2。平面内存模型rn3。中断和特权处理段和页面内存管理以及故障处理Microsoft WDM为整个平台的驱动程序开发提供了许多便利。但是第三方S / W供应商提供的DDK可以满足各种需求。这使驱动程序开发更加舒适。rn此处的“ Driver works”旨在提供比Microsoft DDK提供的Windows NT设备驱动程序编程的简单入门。驱动程序驱动程序的库大大减少了驱动程序代码的大小,而没有任何性能损失。当然,DDK的整个C级API都可用。



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