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Oil and Natural Gas and theEnergy Matrices—Brazil 2000 – 2020


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This paper is a follow-up of some former authors’spaper including the one presented at the 52nd CIPC –2001 and it explores the insertion of natural gas (NG) inthe primary energy and electricity generations worldand Brazilian matrices. It updates and review matricesthrough 2000-2020. The projections author’sassumptions and parameters were compared to datafrom DOE-EIA, EIA and MME – energy outlook 2002-2022. The work studies and results are independent buthave some accordance with those group data. Theimportance of the NG phase-in in the Brazilian energymatrices is prospected and explored.The recent several giant oil field discovers by theBrazilian oil company (PETROBRAS–BR) and partnersand the growing volume of oil reserves is supporting theBrazilian oil production self sufficiency from the year2005 and on. The projection of domestic production of4,4 million barrel / day in 2020 will be ranked among the larger eight to tenth world production and between13th and 15th bigger oil proved reserves.Financial and economic analyses of the alternativeelectric generation matrices defined the transitionalhydro-thermo generation matrix as the best option toexpand the electricity offer in Brazil for the period 2000-2020.The Brazilian energy system efficiency is evaluatedusing the income elasticity of energy demand (IEED)and the results of Brazilian IEED for 2000-2020 arecompared to others countries and regions for differenttime periods, such as 1960-1972, 1976-1885 (1st and 2ndoil shock) (WAES–MIT, 1977). The IEED methodologyis recommended to evaluate the expected efficiency gainafter the results from the recent electrical powerrationing between June, 2001 to February, 2002, inBrazil.
机译:本文是对前几篇论文(包括在第52届CIPC –2001年会议上发表的论文)的后续研究,并探讨了天然气在第一能源和发电世界以及巴西矩阵中的插入。它会更新和审查2000-2020年的矩阵。将预测作者的假设和参数与DOE-EIA,EIA和MME的数据(《能源展望2002-2022》)进行了比较。工作研究和结果是独立的,但与这些小组数据具有一定的一致性。 NG逐步进入巴西能源矩阵的重要性已经探明并进行了探索。巴西石油公司(PETROBRAS–BR)和合作伙伴最近发现了几处大型油田,并且石油储量的增长支持了巴西从2005年开始的石油自给自足等等。到2020年,国内日产量为4,4百万桶/日的预测将位居世界产量排名第八至第十位,石油探明储量则位于第十三至十五位之间。作为扩展2000-2020年巴西电力供应的最佳选择。使用能源需求收入弹性(IEED)评估了巴西的能源系统效率,并将2000-2020年巴西IEED的结果与其他国家和地区进行了比较。不同时间段,例如1960-1972、1976-1885(第一次和第二次油震)(WAES–MIT,1977年)。建议使用IEED方法,以评估最近在2001年6月至2002年2月在巴西进行的电力分配结果后的预期效率增益。



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