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New underground lines in historic centres: Experiences in Brescia


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The field of engineering the “preservation” of historic or artistic heritage need not be confined only to “structural” interventions. In recent years in Brescia (North Italy), an excavation of several kilometres was completed by TBM in delicate geological and geotechnical conditions, in interaction with a historic centre dense with buildings of considerable importance, in masonry and with superficial foundations. When operating in sensitive areas, a reliable reconstruction of the setting’s history, through the integration of skills with the local administrations, universities and specific experts, is a key basis for studying the appropriate work sequences and identifying the best technologies of operation. In Brescia, Astaldi S.p.A., with its consultants, has played an active part in this process, coordinating and synthesizing the contributions of all the local stakeholders involved; the capacity for collaboration and coordination of a broad spectrum of disciplines and contributions allowed some very complex interactions to be successfully resolved.
机译:在工程领域中,“保存”历史或艺术遗产不必仅限于“结构性”干预。近年来,布雷斯(TBM)在微妙的地质和岩土条件下,与一个密集着重要建筑,砖石和浅层地基的历史中心共同完成了几公里的挖掘工作。在敏感地区进行作业时,通过与当地政府,大学和特定专家进行技能整合,可靠地重建环境历史,是研究适当工作顺序并确定最佳作业技术的关键基础。在布雷西亚,Astaldi S.p.A.及其顾问在这一过程中发挥了积极作用,协调并综合了所有当地利益相关者的贡献;广泛学科和贡献的协作与协调能力使一些非常复杂的相互作用得以成功解决。



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