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A class C prediction of the settlements induced in a historical masonry structure by the excavation of shallow twin tunnels


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In this paper a class C prediction of the possible damage induced in an existing old masonryrnstructure by the construction of two parallel shallow tunnels is discussed and compared to the behaviourrnobserved during the excavation stages. The structure under study is the ancient Felice Aqueduct in Rome,rnrecently underpassed by the tunnels of the future underground line known as Metro C. The local geotechnicalrnprofile is mainly characterised by a sequence of relatively stiff soil and weak rock strata of volcanicrnorigin, all subjected to an extensive investigation carried out by means of in-situ and laboratory tests. Thernstructure itself has been properly characterised in terms of sub and above-surface geometry and mechanicalrnproperties of its block and mortar components. The back predictions were carried out by means of thernFE code Abaqus, assuming plane strain conditions for the soil and plane stress ones for the structure. Thernmasonry structure is schematised as an anisotropic elasto-plastic medium, whose elastic properties and yieldrncriterion are derived via homogenization starting form a block structure with periodic texture. The macroscopicrnmodel is shown to retain memory of the mechanical characteristics of the joints and of the shapernof the blocks. The soil strata are modelled by means of a linear elastic-perfectly plastic model, calibratedrnagainst the available experimental results. In the analyses a realistic construction sequence is simulatedrnimposing volume losses consistent with those observed in situ: the resulting settlement profiles as predictedrnat different elevations of the Aqueduct are in good agreement with those monitored during the real excavations.rnThe adopted approach proves to be valuable for the class of problems under study and, as such, isrnamenable to be used in future as a class A predictive tool for similar soil-structure interaction processes.
机译:本文讨论了通过对两条平行的浅埋隧道的施工对现有旧砌体结构可能造成的破坏进行C类预测的方法,并将其与在开挖阶段观察到的行为进行了比较。所研究的结构是古罗马的菲利斯渡槽,最近被称为Metro C的未来地下管线的隧道所穿越。当地的岩土剖面主要表现为一系列相对坚硬的土壤和弱火山岩层,均受到了通过现场和实验室测试进行的广泛调查。结构本身已根据其砌块和砂浆组件的地下和上表面几何形状以及机械特性进行了适当表征。使用rnFE代码Abaqus进行反向预测,假设土壤的平面应变条件和结构的平面应力条件。砌体结构被描述为一种各向异性的弹塑性介质,其弹性特性和屈服准则是通过均质化从具有周期性纹理的块状结构开始的。宏观模型显示为保留关节和块的形状的机械特性的记忆。利用线性弹性完美塑性模型对土壤地层进行建模,并根据可用的实验结果进行校准。在分析中,模拟了一个实际的施工顺序,即施加与原位观测到的体积损失一致的体积损失:在不同渡槽高程处预测的最终沉降曲线与实际开挖过程中所监测的沉降曲线非常吻合。一类正在研究中的问题,因此将来可以用作类似土壤-结构相互作用过程的A类预测工具。



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