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Ginzburg-Landau phenomenology: its role in the modern theory of superconductivity and studies of nanograin properties


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The phenomenon of superconductivity is one of the important achievements of condensed-matter physics of the twentieth century. Between its discovery by Kamerling-Onnes in 1911 and the formulation in 1957 of the corresponding microscopic theory almost half a century passed. Let us remind that the creation of the theory of superfluidity in liquid helium took only four years. First theories of superconductivity were phenomenological. So in 1934 brothers F. and H. London wrote down the equations for the electrodynamics of a superconductor which explained the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect: complete expulsion of the magnetic flux from bulk superconductor . This discovery was especially important in superconductivity and namely this effect demonstrated that superconductivity is a new state of matter. In 1936 Landau and Peierls created the theory of intermediate state. Soon Landau formulated his theory of the second-order phase transitions.
机译:超导现象是20世纪凝聚态物理的重要成就之一。从1911年Kamerling-Onnes的发现到1957年提出相应的微观理论,将近半个世纪过去了。让我们提醒一下,液态氦中超流理论的创建仅用了四年时间。超导的第一个理论是现象学。因此,在1934年,F。和H. London兄弟写下了超导体的电动力学方程,从而解释了迈斯纳-奥克森费尔德效应:从体超导体中完全排出了磁通量。这一发现在超导性中尤其重要,也就是说,这种效应表明超导性是一种新的物质状态。 1936年,Landau和Peierls创建了中间状态理论。不久,兰道提出了他的二阶相变理论。



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