首页> 外文会议>Fourth International Conference on Solid State Lighting >Performance of PV-Powered LED Lighting Systems for Buildings

Performance of PV-Powered LED Lighting Systems for Buildings


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Although PV (photovoltaic)-powered lighting systems have existed for many years, they are not widely used, especially in lighting for buildings, due to their high initial cost and low conversion efficiency. One of the technical challenges facing PV-powered lighting systems has been how to use the DC power generated by the PV module to energize common light sources that are designed to operate efficiently under AC power. Usually, the efficacy of DC light sources is very poor compared to AC light sources. Rapid developments in LED (light-emitting diode) lighting systems have made this technology a potential candidate for PV-powered lighting systems. This study analyzed the efficiency of each component of PV-powered lighting systems to identify optimum system configurations for different applications.
机译:尽管以PV(光伏)供电的照明系统已经存在多年,但由于其初始成本高且转换效率低,因此并未得到广泛使用,尤其是在建筑物照明中。光伏供电的照明系统面临的技术挑战之一是如何使用光伏模块产生的直流电为设计为在交流电下有效运行的普通光源供电。通常,与交流光源相比,直流光源的功效非常差。 LED(发光二极管)照明系统的快速发展使该技术成为PV供电照明系统的潜在候选者。这项研究分析了光伏照明系统每个组件的效率,以确定针对不同应用的最佳系统配置。



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