首页> 外文会议>Fourteenth Systems Administration Conference (LISA XIV), Dec 3-8, 2000, New Orleans, LA, USA >Fokstraut and Samba - Dealing with Authentication and Performance Issues On A Large Scale Samba Service

Fokstraut and Samba - Dealing with Authentication and Performance Issues On A Large Scale Samba Service


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At the University of Alberta, we have approximately 55,000 user id's using central services authenticated by Kerberos. We use AFS for central file service. We use Samba to provide Windows compatible access to much of our central file service. Samba contains a number of useful features for Microsoft Windows compatibility, including a kludge to deal with the problem of Windows sending an all uppercase version of a user's password. We observed that when Windows connects to a share, it frequently attempts many incorrect passwords repeatedly before trying the correct one. This created a very heavy authentication load on our central Samba service when users would connect every morning and authenticate. We observed this load and noticed that most of our problems were caused by repeated attempts to authenticate, and the high cost of checking these attempts. To help reduce the load due to authentication, we implemented FOKSTRAUT, a set of modifications to Samba to cache recent password failures and successes in a DBM database built by the Samba server as it runs. By caching the recent failures we avoid expensive re-checks of the (many) other passwords Windows likes to send us. We also cache the correct case of the real password, and by doing so we avoid the expensive overhead of "cracking" an all uppercase password When Windows decides to send one. We also use FOKSTRAUT to cache the NT and LanMan password hashes of a users password once we see a successful authentication. This then allows us to use the newer Windows NT password hash after the user has connected once, without having to centrally convert and maintain a large SMB password file, and while maintaining the ability of our server to access services such as AFS which can not be authenticated against using the Windows password hash alone. Performance on our service has been drastically improved since the implementation of FOKSTRAUT.
机译:在阿尔伯塔大学,我们使用Kerberos认证的中央服务大约有55,000个用户ID。我们使用AFS进行中央文件服务。我们使用Samba向Windows提供对大多数中央文件服务的兼容访问。 Samba包含许多与Microsoft Windows兼容的有用功能,包括处理Windows发送用户密码的全部大写版本的麻烦。我们观察到Windows连接到共享时,在尝试正确的密码之前,它经常反复尝试许多错误的密码。当用户每天早晨连接并进行身份验证时,这会给我们的中央Samba服务造成非常沉重的身份验证负担。我们观察到了这种负载,并注意到我们的大多数问题是由于反复尝试进行身份验证以及检查这些尝试的高昂成本引起的。为了帮助减少由于身份验证引起的负载,我们实施了FOKSTRAUT,这是对Samba的一组修改,可以在Samba服务器运行时将最近的密码失败和成功信息缓存在由Samba服务器构建的DBM数据库中。通过缓存最近的故障,我们避免了Windows希望向我们发送的(许多)其他密码的昂贵重新检查。我们还缓存了真实密码的正确大小写,因此,当Windows决定发送一个全大写密码时,我们避免了“破解”所有大写密码的昂贵开销。一旦看到成功的身份验证,我们还将使用FOKSTRAUT来缓存用户密码的NT和LanMan密码哈希。然后,这使我们能够在用户连接一次之后使用较新的Windows NT密码哈希,而不必集中转换和维护大型SMB密码文件,并且保持服务器访问诸如AFS之类的服务的能力。针对单独使用Windows密码哈希进行了身份验证。自从实施FOKSTRAUT以来,我们的服务性能已得到极大改善。



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