
Belief-Goal-Role agents: from conception to specification


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The recent years have witnessed the emergence of different approaches as candidates for the study of agent-oriented systems. One such architecture views the system as a rational agent having certain mental attitudes of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI), representing respectively, the information, motivational, and deliberative states of the agent. This paper explores a particular type of rational agent, a Belief-Goal-Role agent. The primary aim of this paper is to show a new approach to designing an agent which is different from the most known in DAI field. Indeed, beliefs, goals, and roles are relevant to our study of cooperation which have lead to the identification of communication concepts and organization concepts. Then we show the application of labeled transition systems to deal with the operational semantics of our agent model. An agent state is described by a triplet including beliefs, goals as communication concepts and roles as concepts related to organization. A transition consists of an execution step in the life-cycle of an agent. We use the proposed semantics to define an implementable theory which is a first order multi-modal and linear time logic.



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