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Proportional counter windows for the Bragg crystal spectrometer on AXAF


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Abstract: One of the instruments being developed for AXAF (Bragg Crystal Spectrometer, BCS) employs a gas flow proportional counter as its primary detector. Until recently, stretched polypropylene (coated with formvar and graphite) was the baseline material for the windows for the BCS counters. Recent improvements in the fabrication of polyimide, however, have led the BCS team to update the instrument design to replace polypropylene with on the order of magnitude 1 $mu thick polyimide, coated on both sides with on the order of magnitude 200 angstroms of aluminum. Aluminum coated polyimide, while having nearly the same x-ray transmission as polypropylene, leaks gas at a significantly lower rate. This property is exploited in the design of the on-board gas replenishment system, leading to a gas subsystem for the low-leak material that is both lighter and simpler, important considerations for a satellite-borne instrument. In addition to working with polyimide, the BCS team has investigated other materials that require further development, but which have a great deal of potential as candidates for x-ray windows. In each case the candidate films are thin enough to transmit x rays with energies below 1 keV, but they leak gas at a rate at least a factor of 10,000 less than the standard, coated polypropylene. Materials that have been examined include diamond (manufactured by Crystallume, Inc.), beryllium, and silicon-enriched silicon nitride. !4
机译:摘要:为AXAF(布拉格晶体光谱仪,BCS)开发的一种仪器采用气流比例计数器作为其主要检测器。直到最近,拉伸聚丙烯(涂有甲醛和石墨)才是BCS柜台窗户的基础材料。但是,聚酰亚胺制造方面的最新进展已导致BCS团队更新了仪器设计,以用厚度为1美元/μm的聚酰亚胺代替聚丙烯,在其两侧均涂覆了200埃的数量级的铝。涂铝的聚酰亚胺在具有与聚丙烯几乎相同的X射线透射率的同时,以显着较低的速率泄漏气体。该特性在车载气体补给系统的设计中得到了利用,从而导致了用于低泄漏材料的气体子系统,这对于卫星仪器来说既轻又简单,是重要的考虑因素。除了与聚酰亚胺一起使用之外,BCS团队还研究了其他需要进一步开发的材料,但这些材料有可能成为X射线窗口的候选材料。在每种情况下,候选膜都足够薄,足以透射能量低于1 keV的X射线,但它们的泄漏气体的速度至少比标准的涂覆聚丙烯小10,000倍。已检查的材料包括金刚石(由Crystallume,Inc.制造),铍和富硅氮化硅。 !4



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