首页> 外文会议>Environmental Permitting Symposium Vol.1 Feb 17-19, 1999, Research Triangle Park, NC >Spill Prevention through Flexible Permitting of Major Aboveground Storage Tank Facilities in Minnesota

Spill Prevention through Flexible Permitting of Major Aboveground Storage Tank Facilities in Minnesota


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During the early 1990's, regulation of aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) in Minnesota suffered from a lack of consensus over appropriate safeguards to protect surface waters and groundwater from leaks and spills. Existing rules required impermeable spill containment, very expensive to retrofit large steel tanks. Both a rulemaking effort by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MFCA) and a series of government-industry workgroup meetings had produced a political stalemate. Rather than return to rulemaking, the MPCA initiated an innovative permitting program for the state's largest, highest risk AST facilities. The one-size-fits-all general permit previously in effect would be replaced with a negotiated site-specific permit based on a prevention model of tank management. As an incentive for participation, the MPCA developed a new matrix of permeability requirements that were risk-based and could vary tank by tank depending on the toxicity, mobility and corrosion potential of the stored substance and the environmental sensitivity of the site (location of surface and groundwater). Companies could also choose among cost-effective leak prevention and detection technologies and management procedures. After three years, more than three-quarters of the state's 75 major facilities are permitted and no company is pursuing a legal challenge. Industry believes the requirements are being applied fairly between companies, yet flexibility is available for unique features of the site and operation. Fewer leaks and spills have been reported. These risk-based and prevention-based permits have a high degree of customer acceptance and in many cases a higher level of environmental protection.
机译:在1990年代初期,明尼苏达州的地上储水罐(AST)法规在保护地表水和地下水免于泄漏和溢漏的适当保障措施上缺乏共识。现有规则要求不可渗透的泄漏围堵,对于大型钢罐的改装非常昂贵。明尼苏达州污染控制局(MFCA)的规则制定工作和一系列政府与行业工作组会议都造成了政治僵局。 MPCA并没有回到规则制定阶段,而是针对该州最大,风险最高的AST设施启动了一项创新许可计划。基于罐管理的预防模型,以前有效的“一刀切”的通用许可证将由谈判达成的针对特定地点的许可证代替。为了鼓励人们参与,MPCA建立了新的渗透性矩阵矩阵,该矩阵基于风险,可以根据储藏物质的毒性,迁移率和腐蚀潜能以及现场的环境敏感性(表面位置)不同而有所不同。和地下水)。公司还可以选择具有成本效益的泄漏预防和检测技术以及管理程序。三年后,该州75个主要设施中的超过四分之三获准使用,并且没有公司在寻求法律方面的挑战。业界认为,这些要求已在公司之间公平地应用,但是对于站点和操作的独特功能仍具有灵活性。据报道泄漏和溢漏较少。这些基于风险和基于预防的许可证具有很高的客户接受度,在许多情况下还具有较高的环境保护水平。



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