首页> 外文会议>Entertainment computing - ICEC 2018 >Virtual Reality as e-Mental Health to Support Starting with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Virtual Reality as e-Mental Health to Support Starting with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy


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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is used in mental health therapy but requires effort by the patient. This paper describes a preliminary design exploration of Open-MindEd, a Virtual Reality (VR) application specifically designed to support starting with MBCT. In collaboration with a mental health institute, two prospective users from the target group gave longitudinal input for the design, leading to the formulation of aspects how a VR application could serve as a tool to support people starting with mindfulness. Subsequently, a single-blind experiment (N = 30) was performed to evaluate whether Open-MindEd could stimulate starting with MBCT. No significant positive effects were found. Despite several limitations, this paper shows some potential design considerations of VR as e-mental health to support MBCT.
机译:基于正念的认知疗法(MBCT)用于心理健康治疗,但需要患者的努力。本文介绍了Open-MindEd的初步设计探索,Open-MindEd是一种虚拟现实(VR)应用程序,专门设计用于支持从MBCT开始。在与精神健康研究所的合作下,目标群体的两名潜在用户对该设计进行了纵向输入,从而形成了VR应用程序可以如何用作支持人们正念的工具的方面。随后,进行了单盲实验(N = 30),以评估Open-MindEd是否可以刺激MBCT。没有发现明显的积极影响。尽管有一些限制,但本文显示了VR作为支持MBCT的电子心理健康的一些潜在设计考虑。



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