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Safe Systems: Construction, Destruction, and Deconstruction


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A deconstructive reading will be very alert to a text's unwillingness to follow up the implications of avowedly peripheral issues that it does not avoid mention of. There is no reason why safety arguments should not be confronted with the same challenge, particularly as the risks of incompleteness, of 'confirmation bias', and the necessity for creative 'safety imagination' when identifying hazards are already recognised by safety engineers. At the same time there is increasing recognition of the irreducible subjectivity involved in safety judgements and concern over whether 'expert opinion' is enough to cover gaps in meaningful data (Redmill 2002a), (Redmill 2002b), (Adams 1995). Indeed, the controversy that opened up during the drafting of the Royal Society Study Group report on Risk Analysis, Perception, and Management (Royal Society 1992) has not receded. Those who think risk management can be given a rational and scientific basis, and those who doubt that it can, seem unable to find arguments that can convince those predisposed to the other view (Hood & Jones 1999). The deconstructive perspective would view this debate as an inescapable 'social text'. Deconstructive thought predicts that safety engineers will be unable to define any objectively meaningful unit of risk - since meaning is a relational property, there is no 'objectively meaningful' term in any case. Neither will there be any unarguable criteria for determining risk 'tolerability'. Yet we cannot abandon this impossible search without relinquishing our discourse to a self-destructive and indeed contradictory relativism. Rational safety argumentation requires basic definitions, but by that very fact remains perpetually vulnerable to a charge of presupposing a conceptual foundation that - if we recognise the challenge of deconstruction - it cannot possibly have. Foundational concepts - for example, the usually unquestioned likelihood-severity distinction - must be artificially constructed; we cannot base them on the 'discovery' of some truth that lies beyond all problems of interpretation. Deconstruction can be viewed provisionally as a philosophical framework for 'reading between the lines'. It stimulates the readers' imagination by encouraging a close questioning of basic terminology and its effects upon conceptual thinking in what are, after all, rather dry technical documents. Most of the flaws sought out in deconstructive readings are not qualitatively different from those targeted in critical reading generally: e.g. ambiguities, logical fallacies, and gaps in reasoning. Thus deconstructive reading could be used by assessors to analyse safety arguments and used by systems developers in order to test and improve their safety arguments before assessment. However, our examples will have alerted the reader to the fact that deconstructive reading can undermine even the most logically 'watertight' argument by pointing out the limits of the language used to express it. A major question for us is whether such fundamental questioning leads to intellectual paralysis (in what is after all a decision-making process) or whether the insights gained will be intellectually stimulating. Arguably, the point of intellectual paralysis marks where safety 'decision-making' really begins (afresh?). Acknowledgments: This work was supported under EPSRC research project GR/R65527/01. The authors would like to thank Bob Malcolm for introducing us to the work of Barry Turner on deconstruction and safety engineering.
机译:解构性的阅读将非常警惕文本不愿跟进不可避免的外围问题的影响,而这是不可避免的。没有理由不使安全论证面临同样的挑战,特别是不完整,“确认偏见”的风险,以及在确定危害时必须创造性地进行“安全想象”的必要性已经被安全工程师所认可。同时,人们越来越认识到安全性判断中不可避免的主观性,并关注“专家意见”是否足以弥补有意义的数据中的空白(Redmill 2002a),(Redmill 2002b)(Adams 1995)。的确,在皇家学会研究小组关于风险分析,感知和管理的报告起草过程中引发的争议(皇家学会,1992年)并未消除。那些认为可以为风险管理提供合理和科学依据的人,以及那些怀疑可以做到这一点的人,似乎无法找到可以说服那些倾向于另一种观点的论点(Hood&Jones 1999)。解构主义的观点会将这场辩论视为不可避免的“社会文本”。解构性思维预测安全工程师将无法定义任何客观上有意义的风险单位-由于含义是关系属性,因此在任何情况下都没有“客观上有意义的”术语。确定风险“耐受性”的标准也不容置疑。但是,如果我们不放弃对自我毁灭,甚至是自相矛盾的相对主义的论述,我们就不能放弃这一不可能的探索。理性的安全论证需要基本的定义,但事实上,这一事实仍然永远容易受到以概念基础为前提的指控的影响,如果我们认识到解构的挑战,那么它就不可能具有。基本概念,例如通常毫无疑问的似然-严重性区分,必须人为地构建;我们不能将它们基于某些发现之外的所有问题的“发现”。解构可以暂时视为“两全其美”的哲学框架。它通过鼓励对基本术语及其对概念思维的影响进行仔细询问,从而激发读者的想象力,毕竟这些术语毕竟是比较干燥的技术文档。解构性阅读中发现的大多数缺陷与批判性阅读中所针对的缺陷在质量上没有什么不同:模棱两可,逻辑上的谬误和推理上的空白。因此,评估人员可以使用解构性阅读来分析安全性论证,系统开发人员可以使用解构性阅读,以便在评估前测试和改进其安全性论证。但是,我们的示例将使读者意识到,解构性阅读可以通过指出用来表达的语言的局限性,甚至破坏最逻辑上“水密”的论点。对我们来说,一个主要问题是,这种根本性质疑是否会导致智力瘫痪(毕竟是在决策过程中),或者所获得的见识是否会在智力上激发人。可以说,智力上的瘫痪标志着安全“决策”真正开始的地方(新鲜的?)。致谢:这项工作得到了EPSRC研究项目GR / R65527 / 01的支持。作者要感谢Bob Malcolm向我们介绍了Barry Turner在解构和安全工程方面的工作。



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