
Intercropping in castor (Ricinus communis) in drylands

机译:旱地间作蓖麻(Ricinus communis)间作

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A field experiment was conducted to assess the productivity of castor in various plant geometries and to see the feasibility of growing various intercrops in castor under dryland conditions of.Fourteen treatments,consisting of sole crop of castor at 75 cm and 90 cm and in paired rows at 60:90 cm and 60:120 cm,intercropping of 1 row of green gram,moth bean,cluster bean,cowpea and pearl millet in the paired castor row system of 60:90 cm and intercropping of 2 rows of green gram,moth bean,cluster bean,cowpea and pearl millet in paired castor row system of 60:120 cm,were tested in randomized block design with 3 replications.Intercropping of 2 rows of green gram in 60:120 cm paired castor row system gave significantly higher castor equivalent yield(1.35 tonnes/ha),net returns(Rs 9674/ha),benefit: cost ratio(1.63),monetary advantage index(2345)and income equivalent ratio(1.71).Also,intercropping of 1 row of green gram in 60:90 cm castor paired row system was found to be more productive and remunerative than moth bean,cluster bean,cowpea and pearl millet intercropping systems.Intercropping of green gram in paired row planting system of castor either in 1 or 2 rows was found superior than other intercrops in terms of biological parameters like land equivalent ratio,area time equivalent ratio and relative crowding co-efficient.
机译:进行了田间试验,以评估在不同植物几何形状下蓖麻的生产力,并观察在旱地条件下在蓖麻中种植各种间作的可行性。十四种处理方法,分别由75 cm和90 cm的蓖麻单独成对种植在60:90 cm和60:120 cm处,在60:90 cm的成对蓖麻对成行系统中套种1行绿色的克,蛾豆,簇生豆,and豆和珍珠粟,并在2行的绿色的克,蛾子间作在60:120厘米配对蓖麻行系统中对大豆,簇生豆、,豆和珍珠小米进行随机区组设计测试,重复3次。在60:120厘米配对蓖麻行系统中对2克绿豆进行间作可显着提高蓖麻当量产量(1.35吨/公顷),净收益(9674卢比/公顷),效益:成本比率(1.63),货币优势指数(2345)和收入当量比率(1.71)。发现60:90 cm脚轮配对行系统生产率更高,相比于蚕豆,簇生豆,w豆和珍珠粟间作系统,蓖麻绿地间作在1或2行蓖麻的成对成对种植系统中被发现在生物参数(如土地当量比,面积时间)方面优于其他间作。当量比和相对拥挤系数。



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