首页> 外文会议>Electrochemistry in medicine and biomedical applications >An Electrochemical Engineering Perspective of Nitric Oxide in Tumors: Why the Combination of an Allosteric Effector of Hemoglobin with Dietary Sodium Nitrite Should Be Effective in Treating Vascularized Tumors?

An Electrochemical Engineering Perspective of Nitric Oxide in Tumors: Why the Combination of an Allosteric Effector of Hemoglobin with Dietary Sodium Nitrite Should Be Effective in Treating Vascularized Tumors?


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At high (~10~(-6) M) concentrations nitric oxide (NO), over-expressed in many tumors, induces apoptosis (controlled suicide of cells), which is of essence in avoiding cell proliferation. The excess NO in vascularized tumors is, however, depleted by out-diffusion to blood, where it S-nitrosates proteins and peptides. The out-diffusion explains the observations of Judah Folkman of the dormancy of tumors until their vascularization and their virulence after vascularization. The export of NO from tumors to blood could be slowed by converting part of the nitrite stored in erythrocytes to NO and nitrate in a reaction catalyzed by deoxyhemoglobin. As shown by Max Perutz, oxyhemoglobin is converted to deoxyhemoglobin upon binding an allosteric effector, such as inositol hexaphosphate, bezafibrate or efaproxiral. Local administration the effector, in combination with dietary intake of NaNO_2, should raise the tumor-passing blood NO concentration, reduce the tumor to blood NO flux and increase the likelihood of apoptosis.
机译:在高浓度(〜10〜(-6)M)下,在许多肿瘤中过度表达的一氧化氮(NO)诱导凋亡(细胞受控自杀),这对于避免细胞增殖至关重要。但是,由于向血管外扩散,血液中的多余NO被S-亚硝化蛋白质和多肽的血液所消耗。外扩散解释了Judah Folkman在肿瘤休眠之前的观察,直到它们的血管化和血管化后的毒力为止。通过在脱氧血红蛋白催化的反应中将红细胞中存储的部分亚硝酸盐转化为NO和硝酸盐,可以减慢NO从肿瘤向血液的输出。如Max Perutz所示,结合变构效应物(如肌醇六磷酸酯,苯扎贝特或依法贝昔洛尔),氧合血红蛋白就会转化为脱氧血红蛋白。局部施用效应物,并结合饮食中的NaNO_2摄入,应提高通过肿瘤的血液NO浓度,减少肿瘤对血液的NO通量,并增加细胞凋亡的可能性。



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