首页> 外文会议>Electrical Engineering, 2009. ICEE '09 >K-Means Clustering on 3rd order polynomial based normalization of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia (ALL)

K-Means Clustering on 3rd order polynomial based normalization of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia (ALL)

机译:基于3 rd 多项式的K均值聚类基于急性髓细胞白血病(AML)和急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的归一化



Microarray expression data is one of the most widely used to find patterns in genetic expressions. The DNA microarray technique participates as one of the leading methods in cancer research. Due to the presence of immense noise, fewer numbers of samples and huge amount of genes, the useful genomic knowledge extraction from this technique is an important question in today's biological research. Scientists and researchers are exploring efficient mathematical procedure to find realistic gene expressed knowledge. In this study K-Means clustering technique is used on an efficient 3rd order polynomial based technique to normalize the genomic data of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphocyte leukemia (ALL). AML was used as a model to generate the coefficients of the polynomial by considering non trending, decorellation and offset based techniques. The K nearest neighbor technique is used to estimate the missing values of microarray data and avoid the impact of missing data on clustering algorithm. The data can be regenerated easily using 3rd order polynomial normalization based on model generated by AML. Top ranked genes in each cluster have been presented in this paper which helps in finding functionally coregulated genes in ALL and AML.
机译:微阵列表达数据是最广泛用于发现基因表达模式的数据之一。 DNA芯片技术是癌症研究的主要方法之一。由于存在巨大的噪音,样品数量少且基因数量巨大,因此从这种技术中提取有用的基因组知识成为当今生物学研究中的重要问题。科学家和研究人员正在探索有效的数学程序,以寻找现实的基因表达知识。在这项研究中,将K-Means聚类技术用于基于高效3阶多项式的技术,以对急性髓细胞性白血病(AML)和急性淋巴细胞性白血病(ALL)的基因组数据进行标准化。 AML被用作通过考虑基于非趋势,去相关和偏移的技术来生成多项式系数的模型。 K最近邻技术用于估计微阵列数据的缺失值,并避免缺失数据对聚类算法的影响。基于AML生成的模型,可以使用3 rd 多项式归一化轻松地重新生成数据。本文介绍了每个簇中排名最高的基因,这有助于在ALL和AML中找到功能整合的基因。



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