
The Grande C?te Mineral Sands Project


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The Grande C?te Mineral Sands Deposit (GCMSP) is located on a coastal mobile dune systemrnin Senegal on the west coast of Africa. Senegal is a stable, democratic republic, having gainedrnits independence from France in 1960. It has a population of about 12.5 million people.rnThe dunes begin about 25 km north-east of Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, and extend northwardsrnfor more than 140 km. The mineralised dune system averages about 2 km wide with some areasrnextending to up to 4.5 km wide.rnMineral Deposits limited (MDL), a Melbourne-based company with over 60 years operationalrnexperience in mineral sand mining in Australia, holds, through its Senegalese subsidiaryrnMDL Senegal SARL (MDLS), a 25-year Mining Concession covering the deposits.rnThe main heavy mineral (HM) areas identifi ed to date are, from south to north, Mboro,rnFass Boye, Diogo and Lompoul. Within the Mining Concession there is potential to identifyrnadditional resources beyond the limits of present drilling. The dunes are mobile or semi fi xed, palernyellow in colour and overlie older white marine sands. The dunes range between 5 m and 30 m inrnheight and the mineralised zones, which are essentially fl at-lying, average around 15 m in thickness.rnThe mineralisation consists, principally of ilmenite with accessory zircon, rutile and leucoxene.rnZircon and ilmenite are the main commodities of interest.rnIndependent consultants AMC estimated mineral resources for the four main deposits in 2006rnof 1330 Mt of sand averaging 2.0 per cent HM at a cut-off grade of 1.5 per cent HM. At a cut-offrngrade of one per cent the resources were 3200 Mt averaging 1.5 per cent HM. All of the estimate wasrnclassifi ed as Inferred Resources under the 2004 Australasian Code for Reporting of ExplorationrnResults, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC, 2004).rnSubsequent completion of infi ll drilling, sampling and assaying of the initial mining area, centredrnat Diogo, was completed in 2008, enabling a fi nal dredge path to be designed and ore reservesrnestimated, based on a JORC compliant Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource.rnInfi ll drilling is continuing in the Lompoul and the results of this campaign will be included in thernJORC compliant data base by AMC in April 2010 to enable the 15 per cent year dredge path and minernplan to be fi nalised.rnDevelopment studies have shown that the project can be optimised as a dredging operation, withrnmineralised sand being treated in a conventional fl oating spiral preconcentrator, wet concentratorrnand dry mineral separation plant. Engineering work now substantially completed by Ausenco Limitedrn(Ausenco) has developed the combination of some existing plant from MDL’s past operations, andrnnew plant for the complete process from dredging to fi nal product separation and grading. Testworkrnon a series of bulk samples has determined that the project can yield a high quality zircon productrnand an ilmenite product along with minor rutile and leucoxene.rnWork to date indicates a likely output of around 80 000 t of zircon in various quality streamsrn(Primary, Secondary, Standard and Foundry Grades), around 550 000 t of ilmenite plus aroundrn15000 t of rutile and around 12 000 t of leucoxene/secondary ilmenite. Planned zircon output wouldrnrepresent around 7per cent of the total world production, which would make the GCZ&IP a signifi cantrnproducer on a world scale.rnThe studies have indicated capital costs to be in the range of US$400 M total operating cost (afterrncompletion of ramp-up) of around US$50 M - $55 M/a. Revenue is expected to be in the rangern$127 M - $157 M/a.
机译:GrandeCôte矿砂矿床(GCMSP)位于非洲西海岸塞内加尔的沿海移动沙丘系统中。塞内加尔是一个稳定的民主共和国,于1960年从法国获得独立。它的人口约为1250万人。沙丘始于塞内加尔首都达喀尔东北约25公里,向北延伸超过140个公里矿化沙丘系统平均约2公里宽,有些区域可扩展到4.5公里宽。矿产有限责任公司(MDL)是一家总部位于墨尔本的公司,在塞内加尔的子公司中拥有60多年的澳大利亚矿物砂开采运营经验,通过其塞内加尔子公司rnMDL塞内加尔拥有SARL(MDLS),涵盖矿床的25年采矿特许权。迄今为止,确定的主要重矿物(HM)区域从南到北依次是Mboro,Fass Boye,Diogo和Lompoul。在采矿特许权内,有潜力识别超出当前钻探范围的其他资源。沙丘是活动的或半固定的,颜色为浅黄色,上面覆盖着较旧的白色海洋沙滩。沙丘的高度在5 m到30 m之间,矿化区基本上位于地层,平均厚度约15 m。rn矿化主要由钛铁矿和锆石,金红石和次氯酸钠组成。rnz锆石和钛铁矿是独立顾问AMC估计2006年的四个主要矿床的矿产资源rno 1330 Mt砂平均HM为2.0%,截止品位为HM 1.5%。临界值为1%,则资源为3200 Mt,平均HM为1.5%。根据2004年《澳大利亚报告勘探结果,矿产资源和矿石储量守则》(JORC,2004年),所有这些估计都被归类为推断资源。随后,完成了对初次开采区域(位于Diogo中心)的岩性钻探,采样和化验。该项目已于2008年完工,可根据JORC符合要求的已探明和指示矿产资源设计最终的挖泥机路径并进行矿石储量评估。rn继续在Lompoul进行钻孔,该活动的结果将包含在rnJORC符合要求的数据库中AMC于2010年4月完成了15%的疏edge路径和采矿计划的最终确定。开发研究表明,该项目可作为疏operation作业进行优化,将矿化砂在常规的浮选螺旋预选机,湿选机和湿式选矿机中进行处理。干选矿厂。 Ausenco Limitedrn(Ausenco)目前已基本完成的工程工作,结合了MDL过去运营中的一些现有工厂和新工厂,以完成从挖泥到最终产品分离与分级的整个过程。 Testworkrnon一系列的散装样品确定该项目可以生产出高质量的锆石产品和钛铁矿产品以及少量的金红石和次氯烯。rn迄今为止的工作表明,各种质量流中的锆石产量约为8万吨(小学,中学,标准和铸造级),约55万吨钛铁矿,约15000吨金红石和约12000吨次紫杉醇/次要钛铁矿。计划的锆石产量将占世界总产量的7%左右,这将使GCZ&IP在世界范围内成为重要的生产商。研究表明,资本成本将在4亿美元的总运营成本范围内(扩产完成后) )约$ 5,000万美元至$ 5500万美元/年。预计收入在1.27亿美元至1.57亿美元之间。



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