首页> 外文会议>Ecological Restoration of Mentougou Beijing; 200705; >Study on the Restoration of Limestone Quarries in the West - mountains in Mentougou of Beijing: PROJECT REPORT ABSTRACT

Study on the Restoration of Limestone Quarries in the West - mountains in Mentougou of Beijing: PROJECT REPORT ABSTRACT


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Mainly located in Mentougou of Beijing, the West - mountains are well - known because of its cultural and natural heritage such as Xiangshan Mountain and Miaofeng Mountain. The Yongdinghe River which is regarded as the mother river of Beijing, comes through the West - mountains and go through the plain of Beijing and Tianjin to the Bohai Sea. Although the original forest have been degraded to the current secondary shrub forest since the establishment of Beijing in Yuan Dynasty, the West - mountains are most important natural heritage with rich biodiversity and ecological service for Beijing. Along with the economic development and rapid urbanization of Beijing, quarrying becomes one of the main financial resources for the local communities while satisfying the big demands of urban construction. The quarry area increased from 43. 3hm2 in 1988 to 466. 7 hm~2 in 2006, which was mainly concentrated in the area among Miaofeng Mountain and Yongdinghe River.
机译:西山主要位于北京门头沟,因其文化和自然遗产如香山和妙峰山而闻名。永定河被认为是北京的母亲河,它穿过西部山脉,并穿过北京和天津平原到达渤海。尽管自元代北京成立以来,原始森林已退化为现在的次生灌木林,但西部山区是北京最重要的自然遗产,具有丰富的生物多样性和生态服务。随着北京的经济发展和快速城市化,采石业已成为满足当地居民对城市建设的巨大需求的主要财政资源之一。采石场面积从1988年的43. 3hm2增加到2006年的466. 7 hm〜2,主要集中在妙峰山和永定河之间。



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