首页> 外文会议>Earth Observing Systems XI >Calibration of the absorptance cavities for the spaceflight solar radiometer TIM

Calibration of the absorptance cavities for the spaceflight solar radiometer TIM


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The Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) is a total solar irradiance radiometer on NASA's SORCE mission launched in 2003 and on the NASA/Glory mission launching in 2008. The primary sensors in TIM must absorb energy with accurately calibrated efficiency across the entire solar spectrum. To achieve high efficiency and good thermal conduction, the four sensors in each instrument are hollow conical silver cavities with a cylindrical entrance extension and a diffuse black nickel phosphorous (NiP) interior that converts absorbed incident radiation to thermal energy. A stable resistive heater wire embedded in the cone along with thermistors mounted on the cavity exterior are used in a temperature-sensing servo loop to measure the spectrally-integrated incident solar radiation. Characterization of the absorptance properties of the cavities across the solar spectrum is a dominant driver of instrument accuracy, and a dedicated facility has been developed to acquire these calibrations with uncertainties of approximately 50 ppm (0.005%). This paper describes the absorptance calibration facility, presents the preliminary cavity reflectance results for the Glory mission's TIM instrument, and details the uncertainty budget for measuring these cavity reflectances.
机译:总辐照度监控器(TIM)是2003年启动的NASA SORCE任务和2008年启动的NASA / Glory任务的总太阳辐射辐射计。TIM中的主要传感器必须吸收整个太阳能光谱中准确校准的效率的能量。为了实现高效率和良好的导热性,每台仪器中的四个传感器都是空心的圆锥形银腔,具有圆柱形的入口延伸部分和弥散的黑色镍磷(NiP)内部,可将吸收的入射辐射转换为热能。嵌入圆锥体中的稳定电阻加热丝以及安装在型腔外部的热敏电阻用于温度感应伺服环路中,以测量光谱积分的入射太阳辐射。整个太阳光谱腔的吸收率特性的表征是仪器精度的主要驱动力,并且已经开发出专用设备来获取这些校准,不确定度约为50 ppm(0.005%)。本文介绍了吸收率校准设备,介绍了Glory任务TIM仪器的初步腔反射率结果,并详细介绍了测量这些腔反射率的不确定性预算。



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