
ISRO's Dual Frequency Airborne SAR pre-cursor to NISAR


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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have jointly embarked on NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) operating in L-band and S-band, which will map Earth's surface every 12 days. As a pre-cursor to the NISAR mission, ISRO is planning an airborne SAR (L&S band) which will deliver NISAR analogue data products to the science community. ISRO will develop all the hardware with the aim of adhering to system design aspects of NISAR to the maximum extent possible. It is a fully polarimetric stripmap SAR and can be operated in single, dual, compact, quasi-quad and full polarimetry modes. It has wide incidence angle coverage from 24°-77° with swath coverage from 5.5km to 15 km. Apart from simultaneous imaging operations, this system can also operate in standalone L/S SAR modes. This system is planned to operate from an aircraft platform with nominal altitude of 8000meters. Antenna for this SAR will be rigidly mounted to the aircraft, whereas, motion compensation will be implemented in the software processor to generate data products. Data products for this airborne SAR will be generated in slant & ground range azimuth dimension and geocoded in HDF5/Geotiff formats. This airborne SAR will help to prepare the Indian scientific community for optimum utilization of NISAR data. In-order to collect useful science data, airborne campaigns are planned from end of 2016 onwards.
机译:印度航天研究组织(ISRO)和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)共同启动了以L波段和S波段运行的NASA-ISRO合成孔径雷达(NISAR),它将每12天对地球表面进行一次测绘。作为NISAR任务的先驱,ISRO正在计划一个机载SAR(L&S波段),它将向科学界提供NISAR模拟数据产品。 ISRO将开发所有硬件,以最大程度地坚持NISAR的系统设计方面。它是全极化带状图SAR,可以单,双,紧凑,准四方和全极化模式进行操作。它的入射角覆盖范围广,从24°-77°,覆盖范围从5.5km到15 km。除了同步成像操作外,该系统还可以独立的L / S SAR模式运行。该系统计划在标称高度为8000米的飞机平台上运行。该SAR的天线将被牢固地安装到飞机上,而运动补偿将在软件处理器中实现,以生成数据产品。该机载SAR的数据产品将以倾斜和地面范围的方位角尺寸生成,并以HDF5 / Geotiff格式进行地理编码。机载SAR将帮助印度科学界为NISAR数据的最佳利用做好准备。为了收集有用的科学数据,计划从2016年底开始进行空降战役。



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