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Combining Collaborative and Content-Based Techniques for Tag Recommendation


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The explosion of collaborative platforms we axe recently wit-nessing, such as social networks, or video and photo sharing sites, rad-ically changed the Web dynamics and the way people use and organize information. The use of tags, keywords freely chosen by users for an-notating resources, offers a new way for organizing and retrieving web resources that closely reflects the users' mental model and also allows the use of evolving vocabularies. However, since tags are handled in a purely syntactical way, the annotations provided by users generate a very sparse and noisy tag space that limits the effectiveness of tag-based approaches for complex tasks. Consequently, systems called tag recommenders re-cently emerged, with the purpose of speeding up the so-called tag con-vergence, providing users with the most suitable tags for the resource to be annotated.rnThis paper presents a tag recommender system called STaR (Social Tag Recommender), which extends the social approach presented in a previous work [14] with a content-based approach able to extract tags directly from the textual content of HTML pages.rnResults of experiments carried out on a large dataset gathered from Bibsonomy, show that the use of content-based techniques improves the predictive accuracy of the tag recommender.
机译:我们最近见证的协作平台的爆炸式增长,例如社交网络或视频和照片共享站点,从根本上改变了Web动态以及人们使用和组织信息的方式。标签,用户自由选择的用于注释资源的关键字的使用提供了一种组织和检索Web资源的新方法,该方法紧密反映了用户的思维模式,并且允许使用不断发展的词汇表。但是,由于标记是纯粹以语法方式处理的,因此用户提供的注释会生成非常稀疏且嘈杂的标记空间,从而限制了基于标记的方法用于复杂任务的有效性。因此,最近出现了一种称为标签推荐器的系统,目的是加快所谓的标签融合,为用户提供最适合要注释资源的标签.rn本文提出了一种名为STaR( Social Tag Recommender),它扩展了先前工作[14]中介绍的社交方法,并提供了一种基于内容的方法,该方法能够直接从HTML页面的文本内容中提取标签。表明基于内容的技术的使用提高了标签推荐器的预测准确性。



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