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Deep levels in Hg1-xCdxTe using mobility and carrier concentration


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Abstract: A new method of studying the deep levels in Hg$- 1$MIN@x$/Cd$-x$/Te was proposed. Through analyzing the relation between mobility and temperature and that between carrier concentration and temperature, we obtained some important information about deep levels. First, the Fermi level was calculated from the measured electron concentration by using the Kane's band model. Then the hole concentration was obtained from this Fermi level. Compared with the electron concentration calculated by the electrical neutrality equation, the measured one had the contribution from the deep level at the temperature range of about 200K. The electron mobility was also theoretically calculated. Deep level's contribution to the measured electron mobility was also discussed. Finally, a two levels model, and a fitting method as well, was proposed. !5
机译:摘要:提出了一种研究Hg $ -1 $ MIN @ x $ / Cd $ -x $ / Te中深水平的新方法。通过分析迁移率与温度之间的关系以及载流子浓度与温度之间的关系,我们获得了一些有关深能级的重要信息。首先,通过使用凯恩能带模型由测得的电子浓度计算费米能级。然后从该费米能级获得空穴浓度。与通过电中性方程式计算出的电子浓度相比,在约200K的温度范围内,测得的电子浓度来自深能级。从理论上也计算了电子迁移率。还讨论了深能级对测得的电子迁移率的贡献。最后,提出了两个层次的模型以及拟合方法。 !5


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