首页> 外文会议>Design science series: Set-based design 2017 >Trade-off Analytics for Set-Based Design

Trade-off Analytics for Set-Based Design


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Set-Based Design (SBD) has been developed as an alternative to Point-Based Design (PBD). SBD has been successfully used by Toyota in the automotive industry and currently has significant interest in the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense (DoD) organizations, and several researchers. SBD develops sets of design solutions that span the design space, evaluates the design sets, delays design decisions to eliminate sets until adequate information is available, and documents the rationale for eliminating sets. The paper provides a focused literature review of published SBD research, and then focuses on developing trade-off analytics to support SBD decision-making to define value, evaluate sets, incorporate new information, and eliminate sets. The proposed approach is to align SBD terms with common systems engineering terms; identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for SBD evaluation; develop a broad mathematical formulation for SBD evaluation; and illustrate how trade-off analytics can support SBD decision-making. The paper concludes that trade-off analytics provides a consistent and credible tool to implement SBD.
机译:基于集的设计(SBD)已开发为基于点的设计(PBD)的替代方案。 SBD已被丰田成功应用于汽车行业,目前对海军部,国防部(DoD)组织和数名研究人员具有极大的兴趣。 SBD开发跨越设计空间的设计解决方案集,评估设计集,延迟设计决策以消除集,直到有足够的信息可用为止,并记录消除集的原理。本文提供了对已发表的SBD研究的集中文献综述,然后重点研究了权衡分析,以支持SBD决策来定义价值,评估数据集,合并新信息并消除数据集。提议的方法是使SBD术语与通用系统工程术语保持一致;确定进行SBD评估的必要和充分条件;为SBD评估开发广泛的数学公式;并说明权衡分析如何支持SBD决策。本文的结论是,权衡分析为实施SBD提供了一致且可信的工具。



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