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An algorithm to find optimum support-reducing decompositions for index generation functions




Index generation functions are useful for pattern matching. This paper presents an algorithm to find support-reducing decompositions for index generation functions. Let n be the number of the input variables, and let s be the number of bound variables. Then, the exhaustive search for finding an optimum support-reducing decomposition requires to check (ns) combinations. We found a special property of index generation functions that drastically reduces this search space. With this property, we developed a fast algorithm. For a given number of bound variables, it finds a decomposition with the fewest rails. Experimental results up to n = 60 and s = 33 are shown.
机译:索引生成功能对于模式匹配很有用。本文提出了一种寻找索引生成函数的减少支持分解的算法。令n为输入变量的数目,令s为绑定变量的数目。然后,穷举搜索以寻找最佳的减少支持的分解方法需要检查(ns)组合。我们发现了索引生成函数的一个特殊属性,它可以大大减少此搜索空间。利用此属性,我们开发了一种快速算法。对于给定数量的绑定变量,它找到具有最少轨道的分解。显示了高达n = 60和s = 33的实验结果。



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